Monday, August 31, 2015

China Democracy Capitalism Economy TED helps you understand the world today:

The developed world holds up the ideals of capitalism, democracy and political rights for all. Those in emerging markets often don't have that luxury. In this powerful talk, economist Dambisa Moyo makes the case that the west can't afford to rest on its laurels and imagine others will blindly follow. Instead, a different model, embodied by China, is increasingly appealing. A call for open-minded political and economic cooperation in the name of transforming the world. 

 Also watch Dambisa Moyo's lectture (17 minutes long) - you find it at:
 (Scroll down to Dambisa Moyos lecture)

Link (Sorry it seems the English subtitles are sometimes removed - If so you can search on Youtube for Chai Jing "Under the Dome" and maybe you can find the film with English subtiteles - It is one hour and 43 minutes long = 103 minutes):

 It seems as it works on firefox (English subtitles) better than on Chrome

Also check the effort to build a greater civilisation (use google translate) at:


Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Two of the greatest questions of life

An interesting philosophical lecture. Especially the last 11 minutes (from 18 minutes).
 The lecture is in English with Swedish text. Can only be seen in Sweden.

 First I will quote Socrates: A life lived without reflection (= meditation) over life is meaningless (= not worth living). The most important thing in life is not to be influenced by others. The most important thing is to develop oneself (= your true self). Therefore: Make sure that you thirst for wisdom, to improve your judgment. Wisdom is achieved with rigor, power and discipline. Rectitude is achieved through training and discipline to overcome personal shortcomings and weaknesses.

 and another quote in the lecture: Beautiful and very young is Philo-Sofia. - Poetry is her ally in the service of the good.

 I recommend especially the last 11 minutes (from minute 18 on)

Production year: 2014
Duration: 29:10
Available until: July 1, 2020

 Philosopher and writer Rebecca Goldstein has a passionate relationship to the philosophy that allowed her to constantly examine and reassess beliefs. Here she talks about the importance of the renaissance of the thoughts of Enlightenment. She believes there are two kinds of philosophical questions that humans wrestle with: questions about what is and questions about what is significant. For example, we must ask ourselves what kind of universe we exist in, and how we see our own identity and significance.

The program is available at UR Play:


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