China Democracy
Capitalism Economy TED helps you understand the world today:
The developed
world holds up the ideals of capitalism, democracy and political rights for
all. Those in emerging markets often don't have that luxury. In this powerful
talk, economist Dambisa Moyo makes the case that the west can't afford to rest
on its laurels and imagine others will blindly follow. Instead, a different
model, embodied by China ,
is increasingly appealing. A call for open-minded political and economic
cooperation in the name of transforming the world.
Also watch Dambisa Moyo's lectture (17 minutes long) - you find it at:
(Scroll down to Dambisa Moyos lecture)
Also check the effort to build a greater civilisation (use google translate) at:
(Scroll down to Dambisa Moyos lecture)
Link (Sorry it seems the English subtitles are sometimes removed - If so you can search on Youtube for Chai Jing "Under the Dome" and maybe you can find the film with English subtiteles - It is one hour and 43 minutes long = 103 minutes):
It seems as it works on firefox (English subtitles) better than on Chrome
It seems as it works on firefox (English subtitles) better than on Chrome
Also check the effort to build a greater civilisation (use google translate) at: