Thursday, May 23, 2019

The first Milestone & The Meaning of Life

 How to improve your common sense? To make sure your common sense is working, is the first major step you need to take before embarking on other important tasks.

 The philosophy of life is about acquiring wisdom (the word philosophy comes from 
the Greek word philo- meaning friendship or love and sophos meaning wisdom. A 
philosopher is thus a friend of wisdom).
 If you study the history of mankind, you might agree with Axel Oxenstierna (1583 - 
1654) telling his son:
 If you knew, my son, how rare it is that  the world is governed by wisdom.
 Humanity has not only proved itself to be very inventive, but also lacking wisdom.
Thus, today we have nuclear weapons that can destroy our entire civilization and 
individuals who may one day use these life-threatening weapons. Therefore, it is 
urgent to educate more people in ways to think like philosophers of life do.
(= improve judgment and ability to make sensible decisions).
 We cannot blindly rely on our modern materialistic science and engineering. 
Materialistic science has not managed to understand the human mind or explain what 
consciousness is.
 The philosophy of life does not merely study objective phenomena, but also 
subjective experiences (the individual own experiences). It gives the philosophy of 
life the opportunity to improve the judgement of individuals and the ability to make 
the right decision.

 Science often fails to adopt a holistic perspective when it loses itself in endless 
details and completely forgets what the purpose of knowing really is. If we study 
biology (the word bio from the Greek bios means life and the root word of -logy is 
indo-European -leg meaning collecting - the subject of biology then means the 
gathering of knowledge of life). So originally the subject of biology had the purpose
to gather knowledge of life. But when people who were not true philosophers started 
researching the subject of biology, the basic purpose of the subject was forgotten. 
Instead, science (biology) came to be about collecting lots of different data and details
about different life forms, without the scientists bothering to study life as a whole, which 
should include searching for the answer to the question What is the meaning of Life?
 Other sciences similarly walk the same route. They forget to keep the overall perspective 
and lose themselves in details and their volumes of data. This means that the sciences 
lose the holistic perspective and what the purpose of science really is (to gather 
knowledge that leads to wisdom).
 Science should be an adventure that brings wisdom to civilization. Wisdom is 
(according to Socrates) to have realisations on the ideas behind the phenomena.
 When you learn to know the ideas behind the phenomena, you have reached a
holistic perspektive.
 Example (from Socrates in Plato's dialogues): The one who grasped the idea behind 
sofas has a much better understanding of different sofas than the one who lost 
himself in all the details and differences of different sofas.

All knowledge of ideas (Socrates believed) exists in the soul before birth (and the soul "enters" into the body when we are born, just as it leaves the body when we die, just to move into another newborn body). Since the knowledge is in the soul, but we are initially unaware of it, it must be attracted by remembrance. It can be done by a clever philosopher like Socrates, who poses the right questions, which evokes (breeds = Socrates midwifery method), the knowledge that one did not know that one had.  
Our philosophy of life includes (through its definition) all knowledge. The philosophy of life is a study of wisdom. The philosophy of life is not primarily about giving therapy. But a trained philosopher of life uses the modern Socratic midwifery method, to improve the judgment of individuals and the ability to find wisdom. The philosophy of life contains axioms and a subjective scientific method. The philosophy of life deals primarily with the knowledge and wisdom that can be used practically to improve the quality of life.

 Your Perfect Computer  

Do you know that you have access to the most perfect computer ever designed? Your human mind is such a computer! But it has accumulated a lot of junk (= spam and/or incorrect ideas) that makes your mind no longer work as a perfect computer.
When we try to teach the axioms, methods, goals, and purposes of the philosophy of life to ordinary people, we encounter problems, because the human
mind (your computer that could work perfectly) is filled with erroneous and unimportant ideas and data.  Therefore, we use a therapy (the modern Socratic method) in our philosophy of life. We do this to get the human mind to approach its original ability to function perfectly (if the mind has acess to
accurate data). While mankind through the philosophy of life has the opportunity to acquire true wisdom and ability to act for the greatest good of the greater number (sumum bonum according to the Roman Empire's stoics).
Meanwhile our politicians and leading statesmen sit and discuss how, with nuclear weapons, they could wipe out our civilization. How crazy can it get?
 Another question is What is common sense and good judgment? The answer is that if you were able to restore your computer (your mind) to a fully functional state, then you would be considered a genius by your fellow human beings. In fact, it would just mean getting your computer up and running. With such a well-functioning computer you would appear to be superhuman. You would understand information faster and better.  Ordinary people do not realize how inhibited they are to use their perfect computer (mind) as long as it is not
working properly.

The first milestone

 How do you turn your mind into a perfect computer?  Even if you fixed your mind so that it works like a perfect computer, you live in a world where there is a tremendous amount of other malfunctioning similar
computers like your mind. Then maybe it is not enough that your mind works perfectly. It may be necessary that you join other perfectly functioning minds,
if you are to achieve truly essential things.  Then you will find out that you need
to get friends who have improved their computer's functions.  Together we can
accomplish great things. Together, we can help each other improve our judgments,
by reminding ourselves of the wisdom we forgot.  Science cannot explain to us
where man has come from? Our genetic background does not give us any answers
to what humanity's goals and purposes are all about. Some people pretend to
know the answers to these fundamental questions. Others choose to believe in
sacred writings. But the sensible answers to the essential questions are hidden in
darkness. What is the meaning of human life? What goals and purposes does humanity have to fulfill?
 With our modern philosophical method of life philosophy, the individual himself
can reclaim his own answers to the essential questions and acquire good judgment. The one who does it has passed the first milestone!

The other important milstones  

All individuals in our civilization have the answers to the essential questions within themselves. Then, it seems as if they do not want to reclaim their answers. Why? Could it be because of a reluctance to accept responsibility for their own greatness?  Once you have passed the first big milestone, you can finally make sensible
decisions yourself using your own judgment. Unfortunately, before passing the first
big milestone, individuals often fails to make right decisions. Therefore, it is your duty to yourself and others to ensure that you make sure to pass the first big milestone as soon as possible. Only when you have done so can you begin to feel free and know that you have ability.

 Todde May 2019

To learn more about The Philosophy of Life go to (and use google translate)

Also check:

 Quote from Ludwig Feuerbach:

 To religion only that which is Holy is True.
 To philosophy only that which is True is Holy

 Check the foundation for the usa of "The Modern Socratic Method" (dialectics) at: - Use google translate