Thursday, December 1, 2022

Ancient Apocalypse 

 Erik von Däniken now has a worthy successor in Graham Hancock. 

 Graham has 7 documentaries available to watch on Netflix - search term "Ancient Apocalypse". Like von Däniken, he draws conclusions from his research that the established archaeologists sneer at and want nothing to do with. 

 But hisobservations are very interesting, so I have to recommend these programs.

  If you have Netflix, go download these documentaries. - "Ancient Apocalypse"


Also check:


Tuesday, July 19, 2022

 A very interesting TED talk by Yuval Noah Harari. He talks about Why Humans are Superior to other animals, Why Humans run the World  and Why Humans are in control of our Planet. It is basically a talk about the superiority of The Group Mind that only humans posess (as far as we in our modern western civilisation know).

 You will  find the TED talk at:

 Maybe you would also be interested in Hararis talk on Nationalism at:

also check:

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