Sunday, February 16, 2025


What is nothing?

From a philosophical point of view, your true self is nothing.

The basis of consciousness is nothing.

Consciousness = The observer is outside the physical universe (which consists of Space, Time, Matter and Energy)

Please watch this video about Nothing:



Also watch:

Thursday, February 13, 2025

Scientific evidence that reincarnation is something that actually exists.


Check: 10 Experiments That Prove Reincarnation Is Real


Also check:

Saturday, February 1, 2025

 On Gnosticism:

 Christianity as we know it today is not at all the same religion as the Christianity (Gnosticism) that was originally spread before Christianity was used to strengthen Rome's control over its citizens.

 The original Christianity has been preserved in the form of Gnosticism.

 Learn about the original Christianity (Gnosticism) - download the video:

