Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Circular Economy - Debris should not exist

 All people should be able to understand that we live on a planet with limited resources. The amount of raw materials in the crust of our planet is limited. This means that raw materials will become increasingly expensive to mine and eventually "run out". Our wear-and-toss society is not sustainable in the long run.

The linear system of raw materials becoming garbage does not work in the long run.

 Please check the program "Garbage should not exist," where sensible viewpoints on both the problem and various solutions are presented.

 We live in a world of natural resources. In a better world trash should not exist. That's the message Ellen McArthur delivers. Her goal is to drive the transition to a circular economy. She explains how we all would benefit from a global circular economy. The program is in English with Swedish subtitles

 Duration - 10 minutes - Available until Wednesday, March 30. 2016 at:

 An interesting background to this could be "The Lightbulb Conspiracy", available on Youtube (presented in English translated into Norwegian text).

 It may also be interesting to check if the article "Phosphorus - a future shortage" in:


 Future shortage of phosphorus means to fertilizers in agriculture will not work, resulting in mass starvation.


Monday, December 21, 2015

Natural Food

 I have watched quite some programs about the alarming overweight and obesity in the West.
 Some comments on this - based on Dr. Atkins + LCHF + own + others' experiences.

1) First and foremost our bodies need:
a) Protein Acids
b) Fatty acids
c) Vitamins
d) Minerals
2) In addition, the body can absorb the energy from:
     a) Carbohydrates
     b) alcohol
3) a) When the body lacks any of the foods mentioned under 1) it becomes the hungry and wants food.
     b) When the body has burned all alcohol and carbohydrates it starts burning fat. - Once all fat is burned the body starts burning protein.
4) Our culture offers plenty of starchy foods in tempting flavors.
5) We need to avoid/minimize intake of sugar and simple carbs.
6) Our priority should be to first and foremost eat protein.
7) By eating hi-protein you will almost certainly have given the body enough fatty acids.
8) In addition, the body needs exercise.
9) NOTE: Carbohydrates are needed ABSOLUTELY no more than you burn (counting calories).

 Fat people claim in interviews that they have tried all sorts of diets. Then they say the diets did not work. Obviously they have not tried to discipline their eating to proper eating habits.

 Given the wast amount of poor dietary advice given, this is perhaps not surprising. Discipline is the most important key to good results!

 The above is pretty simple to understand. What complicates the matter is that our bodies have different needs and ability to handle improper food intake. Therefore, each individual must teach himself how his/her body works and how best to discipline their foodintake.

 Evidently most diets give good results in the beginning (when the body is taken by surprise). Then the body learns to "manage" the new diet and the bodysystems adapt and strive to return to the state the body was in before the diet. - This is where discipline becomes essential.

 Therefore, the safest method to gain control of body shape (overwheight) is by carefully observing what the body needs for 1) and then using the discipline to take control of the body's food intake.

 NOTE! You know when the body switches from burning carbohydrates to burning fat. You get a little duller and can not be bothered to perform physical work as intensively. NOTE! This is a "good indicator", and it means you are on the right path (to lose weight). NOTE! It is at this point it is very important to restrict eating carbs !!!
 This applies to rectify the cause (too much carbohydrates). Don't try to combat the symptoms! Instead discipline your body to proper eating habits!

 Obese people are at 80% greater risk of dementia. The warning sign is when your ability to think slows down.

 Quote: Epictetus (55-135 e. Kr.): You must treat your human beingness as a deceitful and dangerous enemy.


Thursday, December 17, 2015


 The word decadence (wikipedia) means progress toward moral ruin. The Indo-European root words are de- and kad-. The prefix de- has many meanings including towards and from. The root word kad- originally meant sadness or hatred. Therefore, one would be able to say that according to our philosophy of life the word decadence means going to or from lower emotional states. In our Philosophy of Life language we define decadence as "Moving Towards Sloppy Discipline (according to Socrates "towards licentiousness"). 

 Our modern Western civilization, has been on a trend towards a more decadent way of life for quite some time. Materialism is in the forefront. Established science study only those things which can be measured, weighed or registered using physical means. It seems as if money is the key yardstick for success. Duty has been replaced with the demands (of rights), while sexuality gets more and more perverted and degenerates. Spirituality is limited to the activities of "religions with holy sripture" or "new age fuzz". What can not be measured by physical means is regarded as more or less witout value - i.e. such things as friendship, love, liberalism, law, order, rights, responsibilities, freedom, imagination and the upbringing of the next generation. Good education, freedom of expression and freedom of opinion was once essential building blocks of Western democracies. The question is whether these values still get sufficient attention today? Or has political corretness become our new censorship on freedom of expression?
 The advertising industry is flourishing as it teaches how the public can be made to purchase more and more goods and services than is needed to satisfy natural needs. When modern people meet, they often have no time for live communication. Instead they communicate through mobiles or computers.
 As the Roman Empire began to decay and the Emperors offered their subjects "bread and circuses" today's rulers invite the public to varieties of different forms of entertainment, from reality shows to web-browsing and facebook activities. The industries of Pornography outbid each other with porn videos that teach the rising generation brutal raw sex. Online, young people who absolutely have no natural needs to learn about perverted sex, can download whatever catches their attention, without any censorship or age limitation and take advantage of everything offered.
 The vapid, materialistic futility grips the minds of licentious men. Instead of engaging in uplifting, creative activities they become idle spectators or bewildered consumers of software.
 Researcher have discovered that the more our governments takes over responsibility from individuals, the weaker the initiative in our societies.
 The West has never experienced such a long period without war as after WW2. Our material wealth has reached unprecedented heights. Meanwhile, the suicide rate has increased and the use of drugs, happiness pills and medicines are soaring.
 Do check "System failures that threaten the world" (available on youtube at):

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=amrRxONj3bI  - Time: 1 hr 26 min

 There is a follow-up film to "System" called: "Decadence: The Decline of the Western World". The film describes how lobbyists take over policymaking, banks are printing money that is used for speculation (instead of investment in resources that create useful products). At the same time our students of economics are turned into obedient supporters of free market forces without the knowledge of the historical disasters that were created this way.
 The most important question of our time, might be whether it is possible to reverse the trend. How should we get rid of the lobbyists and exorbitant bonus payments? Philosophy believes that when the idea of fair exchange disappear from trade, ethic goes out. It is easy to note that exorbitant bonuses and high salaries has nothing to do with fair exchange.
 If the greedy bonus directors and finance industry speculators were left alone all by themselves without contact with the rest of humanity and the communities they operate in, they would not enjoy any of the luxury they now can purchase with their greed. If our civilization did not abuse the lifeforms of the planet and the physical resources of mother Earth, it would not be possible for humanity to live in an abundance created by parasitism.
 The modern man lives a life where egoism and selfishness is more important than empathy and consideration. Greed and the statushappiness have corrupted civilization as the contempt for politicians is spreading and admiration for billionaires grows. Politicians often care more about their own interests than the country's. Many ordinary citizens follow their example. By helping to create house- and assetbubbles, they have been able to mortgage properties and use the borrowed money for shopping and consumption. Egoism is spreading and wayward debauchery takes place at the expense of others (in the form of loans that can never be paid back). Instead of seeking meaningful pursuits that benefit the many, rather than the ego they strive more and more to maximize their own income with minimum effort.
 Today's insatiable bonus managers and speculators, who profit from derivatives trading, are establishing a new upper class in our societies. They are above laws and regulations created to make societies function. The gap between the rulers and the ruled has been growing as the monetary system has been relieved from virtually all regulation (this really happened when the last link to gold was broken in 1971 by President Nixon and then when Ronald Reagan and Margaret Thatcher freed the banking system from the regulations imposed since the depression of the1930's).
 Today executives in some of Sweden's 50 largest companies earn more than fifty times the salary of a normal industrial workers. Parents who have already paid off the loans on their homes can live lifes in luxury as senior citizens. Most of today's young people can not even dream about such a life (especially not once they turn into senior citizens).
 At the same time the finite resources of our planet are consumed. Even if "peak oil" is pushed a decade into the future by new (environmentally harmful) methods to extract more oil from old oil wells, there are other finite resources that will affect civilization as they peak (such as phosphorus, rare metals, sand that is irregularly shaped, etc.). The explosive population growth exacerbates the problems.
 The "curling method" of upbringing future generations does not bode well for the future. It seems that modern parents have some kind of idea that children are all by themselves going to turn out as well behaved without parents tutoring them. Or that parents can get their children to grow their ablity to take initiatives by organizing their lives through giving them maximum service.
 Studies have shown that the more governments assume responsibility for decisionmaking for their citizens, the poorer the ability of citizens to take initiative. That obviously applies for child-rearing as well. Educating children (or citizen) means that difficult decisions have to be made and responsibility needs to be handed over when the right opportunities arise.

Earning, inheriting and destroying

 Civilizations are undergoing the same processes (Cycle of Action) as anything else. They are born, grow, peak and gradually fade away. The decay progresses at different speeds. A vibrant culture like our modern Western civilization will hardly go under in less than a hundred years.
 The foundation of our modern society was laid when the American colonies revolted against Great Britain in the late 1700s. Unlike the planet's past great civilizations, this current one is global. If that means that the decay will be faster or be more drawn out, we do not know yet. What characterizes a civilization of decadence is greed, corruption, nepotism, sloth, gluttony, pride, etc.
 The foundation of the modern global civilization was created with great effort by industrialization and profitable global trade. Subsequent generations built on the heritage and spread this civilization first to Europe and then to other parts of the world. That is where we find ourselves today. But today it is no longer only the countries in North America or Europe that are doing the arduous work of creating. Instead, countries such as China and India have started to snatch initiative, while the abilty to take initiatives of the youth in the west has been curled away by "well-meaning" parents and authorities.
 Historically, no civilization has succeeded in preventing it's downfall, once it has started in earnest. There is no reason to believe that our modern civilization would be the first exception. But from the ashes of decadent civilizations, new viable civilizations have sometimes been able to rise, when enterprising individuals have been able to organize in time and managed to save parts of the spiritual and material capital of the fading civilization left behind. It may make sense to invest in such a bailout today.
 What more evidence do we have of the spiritual decline of the West?
 We have confused inherited wealth with real (creative) wealth. Inherited wealth has nothing to do with the ablity to know how wealth should be managed.
 We have citizens who in their spiritual distress and their material abundance are not able to create meaningful lives. Citizens engaged in status hunting (as indulgent food and wine connoisseurs, art lovers etc.), gluttony and devour unimportant news from the media.
 In China, people are struggling frantically to build a better future. The Chinese are today in the acquisition face. The Chinese people are rising from the remains of what is left of an ancient civilization. The new China is in the stage of creating a future by growing trade. But China does not share the West's liberal ideas of individual freedom and the rule of law (good and bad). Instead they have a party influenced by ideas of confusianism.
 Perhaps we should learn from Japan. Japan has since 1990 stagnated. Japan has no immigration because the land is already densely populated (in the valleys where you can live). Japanese women give birth to no more than 1.4 children per woman. These two factors have led to a declining population in Japan. With the diminishing populaltion new problems are surfacing.
 In the west women give birth to less than 2.1 children/woman (which is the birth rate necessary for the population not be receed). The West has solved this problem by allowing immigration from countries with birth surpluses (and as a consequent severe overpopulation - especially in future Africa and parts of Asia - read India).
 The loss of initiative and import of labor from countries with a different culture are threats to western ideals of democracy, liberalism and individual rights and freedoms.
 When the Greek people went out in large numbers into the streets or when Occupy Wall Street activists (usually young, unemployed people) gathered to demonstrate in many parts of the world, they admittedly created headlines in the media, but they did not affect the agenda of the new upper class (bonus executives and speculators) in any significant way.
 Our last hope is to the growing global middle class. Can this growing group organize themselves across borders? Can the new middle classes in developing countries somehow learn to cooperate with the dwindling middle classes in the West? If so it could be possible to out of the decadence get a new civilization to rise sometime in the future. But for that to occur, the ability and courage to take the initiative needs to grow.

 (Why not read the book "Foundation Triology" by Isaac Asimov - where you can learn some ideas about the karma of civilisations and empires)

 Quote from history: Socrates (470 - 399 B.C. - from Plato's "Republic"): Today's youth loves luxury, is ill-mannered, despise authority, and shows no respect for their parents. They talk about everything unessential instead of training themselves to become valuable citizens. The children have become little tyrants that require the family to serve them. They do not rise to show respect when older people enter the room. They are insolent toward their parents, prefer to prattle on instead of learning to get along socially. They gobble up goodies, and harass their teachers.

 Hesiod (Greek philosopher around 700 BC): I have no hope for the future of our people, as long as it depends on today's thoughtless youth. Because all our young people are so utterly unconcerned about anything outside of themselves. When I grew up, you had to learn to behave well and show respect for the elderly, while young people today consider themselves to be extremely smart. They just impatiently wait for others to listen to them.

Voltaire (1694-1778): The only thing we learn from history is that mankind never learns from history. However, individuals can learn from history.


PS. Question: Could you do anything about this?

Belivers in holy scriptures are really decadent. Check this:

 Socrates on youth:

       “The children now love luxury; they have bad manners, contempt for authority; they show disrespect for elders and love chatter in place of exercise. Children are now tyrants, not the servants of their households. They no longer rise when elders enter the room. They contradict their parents, chatter before company, gobble up dainties at the table, cross their legs, and tyrannize their teachers.”

   Check the effort to build a greater civilisation (use google translate) at:


Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Christianity Religion Holy Scriptures Bible Tora Koran

 The German Philosopher Ludwig Feuerbach (1804 -72) was raised a devout christian. As he studied philosophy he came to realize, (quote):

 To Religion only that which is holy is true. To Philosophy only that which is true is holy.

 What you cannot make a joke about is not worth taking seriously.
 George Carlin points, with a strong sense of humor, to some of the holy "bullshit" of religions and holy scriptures (especially the bible and christianity, but it is really true for all religions based on Holy Scriptures).
 Check this on You Tube:

Also check:


 and George Carlin on Politics and stupidity:


and check the effort to build a better civilisation (use google translate) at:

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

 The debate on phosphorus continues in the Swedish magazine "Research & Progress" (= Forskning & Framsteg)

 The latest qustion & answer is (in Swedish with an interesting graph) on this link:.


 Once you are onto the F&F article you can click on earlier related artticles (also in Swedish)

 Or you can read here my translation (w/OP the Graph)

 Question: In the debate of phosphorus Morocco is mentioned as a future great power in this area. How much of the world's phosphorus reserves are there and what does it mean for our future?


 According to calculations by the United States, US Geological Survey, Morocco has 75 percent of the world's commercially-available phosphorus ore - 50 gigatons (50 billion tons) - and may soon gain a monopoly. Right now it is an expanding industry in Morocco to satisfy future needs worldwide. A dozen other countries also have large commercial reserves, but of much smaller size. China has, for example, 5.5 percent of world reserves, Algeria 3.3, Syria 2.7 and the United States, Russia, Jordan and South Africa about 2 percent each. Today, Europe needs to import around 90 percent of its phosphorus fertilizers. Approximately one-third already comes from Morocco.

Phosphorus. The distribution of the world's assets.

 Sweden imports phosphorus, primarily from Finland, which has Europe's only active phosphorus mine. It is estimated, however, to only last 30-35 years. The commercial reserves in China and the US runs out in 30-40 years, making these countries also dependent on Morocco in the future. India is the world's largest importer of phosphorus ore and has already made significant investments in Morocco. The US and EU have also done so.

 Phosphorus is an essential nutrient that all living organisms need. Changes in supply can thus limiting food production and create geopolitical conflicts. Therefore, recycling of phosphorus from agricultural waste, food scraps, manure and sewage sludge is critical to ensuring food security in the future.

/ Arno Rose Marin, a researcher at the Stockholm Environment Institute

 OBS! Phosphorus is a chemical element with symbol P and atomic number 15. Thus it is impossible to replace it with something else.
 Phosphorus is essential to build DNA molecules. Serious genetic malfunction may result if food is deficient in phosphorus.

 You may also be interested in reading:

Friday, November 6, 2015

Peak phosphorus will result in malnutrition

 Already around the year 2033 the world's production of phosphorus may peak. Then it will decrease, according to Swedish researchers. Lack of phosphorus fertilizers will make food more expensive and less nourishing. It will result in Western Sahara becoming a strong ingredient in world politics.

 The world has become dependent on cheap phosphate ore. This dependency could end in tragedy, according to Jan-Olof Drangert, associate professor of water and sanitation at Linköping University in Sweden. We need to change our habits. If we sit with folded arms, we will suffer malnutrition. It's that simple, he says.

 Phosphorus from mines are included in all types of modern fertilizers. Since World War II cheap phosphorus has fueled the greatest agricultural expansion ever. During the same period, the world population has almost tripled. The mining of phosphate ore has so far been our salvation.

 In addition to phosphorous the most common type of fertilizer also contain nitrogen and potassium. Nitrogen is produced from the air. With large amounts of energy fertilizer plants can transform nitrogen into nitrogen compounds that plants can easily assimilate. Phosphorus and potassium come from mines. The world's supply of potassium will last for hundreds of years. The availability of phosphorus is more limited. In some places deposits are already depleted.

 The small Republic of Nauru in the Pacific thrived on exports of phosphate ore during the last century. For a short period, the country's GDP per capita was the second highest in the world. Nouveau riche Islanders imported sports cars, including a yellow Lamborghini - despite the fact that the road around the island is only twelve miles long. In recent years, exports have plummeted. The easily accessible ore is gone. The country is in deep crisis. Similar scenarios are conceivable in other countries. But opinions differ about when phosphate ore will become scarce. The reserves will last for more than a hundred years, there is no doubt about that, says Michel Prud'homme of the fertilizer industry's international trade association IFA Paris.

 He points out that the increased demand for phosphate will lead to new investment in mining, which in turn leads to increased production. This will cause falling prices of phosphate in 2015, according to Michel Prud'homme, who is responsible for questions of production and international trade at the IFA.

 Jan-Olof Drangert and his colleagues paint a darker picture. They have calculated that the total world production of phosphate ore will peak in the year 2033. Thereafter decreases in ore production will start. Some deposits lie deep under the sea. Others are phosphate poor or mixed with high concentrations of toxic heavy metals such as cadmium and uranium. These gloomy forecasts were based on data collected by the US Geological Survey, USGS, which estimates world reserves of extractable phosphate ore to 16 billion tons. The real figure is probably much higher, says Michel Prud'homme.

 He has started a project to deliver a new estimate of world reserves before this summer. One difficulty is that many mines owned by fertilizer companies, for business reasons are reluctant to tell you how much ore that they have left.

  The phosphorus issue has many similarities with discussion of peak oil - forecast that oil production will reach a peak and then decline. Newly discovered reserves of oil have repeatedly pushed the year of peak oil into the future, and critics say that pessimists underestimate the market's capacity to promote innovations and alternative energy sources. But an important point is different with phosphorus compared to oil.

 The element phosphorus is essential to life. It forms the backbone of DNA. Chemical compounds containing phosphorus operates energy-consuming processes in all living cells and fill a wide range of vital functions. It is absolutely impossible to replace phosphorus with something else, says Dana Cordell. She is researcher at Linköping University and the Institute for Sustainable Futures at the University of Technology in Sydney, Australia. Recently, she presented a thesis about what the lack of phosphorus means for the world's food supply.

 Dana Cordell admits that the exact prognosis of when the production of phosphorus decays may be wrong. Other researchers have previously said that the decline would have started already in 1989. But there seems to have been a temporary slowdown that mainly depended on the collapse of the Soviet Union. Since then production of phosphate ore has continued to increase. Peak phosphor will happen in about ten or twenty five years and the underlying problems are the same. We need a dramatic change in the way we handle phosphorus, says Dana Cordell.

 Historically, manure and other organic materials accounted for the largest increment of phosphorus in the fields. In the 1840s came a supplement in the form of guano - droppings from sea birds or cave live bats. The manure was discovered on the islands off Peru. Merchant guano shipped to the Europe assets ran until the late 1800s. Then phosphate ore rose as a seemingly inexhaustible source. Since then, the ore gradually have become increasingly important. Today, farmers spread over six times more phosphate from mines than from the barns on their fields. The mining companies' sales of phosphate have been estimated at tens of billions of dollars per year, and 90 percent goes to the production of food.

 In Europe and North America more than half a century of intensive fertilization has saturated many soils with nutrients. Then small doses sufficient to replace phosphorus are lost with every harvest. Elsewhere, the demand for phosphorus will increase. In 2050 the world will have over two billion more mouths to feed, and large parts of Africa have phosphate poor soils. But the biggest changes will occur in Asia, according to the UN agency for food and agriculture, FAO. This is mainly due to China's and India's growing populations eating more and more meat. Meanwhile, large-scale cultivation of energy crops is growing throughout the world. All this leads to the same conclusion: the demand of fertilizers containing phosphorus and other nutrients will increase significantly in the future.

 Two years ago, the price of phosphorus rose sharply from a relatively stable level. Several factors combined. High oil prices and concerns about climate sparked the cultivation of energy crops. China - the world's largest producer of phosphate ore - imposed high export taxes to protect their access to fertilizer. In addition, the fertilizer industry for several years invested too little in their facilities. Phosphate ore prices have increased by more than 800 per cent in 18 months. Since then prices have started to fall back.

 The bubble resulted in a few articles on phosphorus in the mass media and scientific journals. Arno Rose Marin, a researcher at the Stockholm Environment Institute, believes that the issue deserves far more attention than that. He has long sought to stimulate debate about a looming shortage of phosphorus. It seems as if the United Nations has not understood the problem. This is at least as important as the climate, says Arno Rose Marin.

 Already international conflicts of phosphate ore have started. The known deposits are extremely unevenly distributed. More than three quarters ofthe reserves are located in four countries: Morocco (including Western Sahara), China, Jordan and South Africa. Some of the world's largest deposits are in Western Sahara, a former Spanish colony which Morocco has in practice occupied since 1975. - Occupation is very profitable for Morocco, says Erik Hagen, who for many years has been covering the Western Sahara on behalf of the Norwegian organization Norwatch.

 He expects that Morocco will export phosphate rock from Western Sahara at a value of over one billion crowns this year. That is more than ten times what the EU pays Morocco to fish off the northwest coast of Africa. The Swedish government supports the right to self-determination for the west saharians and refers to a report on the violations of human rights published by the Human Rights Watch organisation two years ago. The report states that the Moroccan are secretly abusing and torturing suspected Sahrawi activists, and they end up in prison after unfair trials. Nevertheless, Morocco continues to ship out phosphate rock from Western Sahara onto the world market. The largest customer is the United States. - The political significance of phosphorus in this conflict will increase with rising prices for phosphate ore, says Erik Hagen.

 Today's handling of phosphorus also creates serious environmental problems. Each ton of phosphate produced from phosphate rock produces approximately five tons of gypsum as byproduct. The gypsum is difficult to use because it contains radioactive substances from the ore, principally uranium and thorium. Therefore landfills in Marocco harbor enormous amounts of gypsum, which in the worst case can contaminate groundwater.

 The phosphorus that ends up in fields may cause a different type of problem: eutrophication. For several decades it was considered that emissions of nitrogen was the main cause of runaway algae blooms and dead zones in the Baltic Sea. But a few years ago the focus fell on phosphorus. The largest single source is leaching from fertilized fields. The food we eat contains only a fifth of phosphorus mined. The rest is lost on the long road from the mine to the fork. It should therefore be possible to economize better. - One way is to eat less meat. Carnivores consume more than twice as much phosphorus as vegetarians, says Dana Cordell, who is a vegetarian. In her house she has a urine-separating toilet and collects the urine in a tank outdoors for later use as fertilizer. She also fertilizes with compost from their dry toilet.

 This type of management is hardly an option for populations in major cities. It reduces wate of large amounts of phosphorus and other nutrients in the cycle. One of the environmental goals of the Swedish parlament is to recycle at least 60 percent of the total phosphorus in wastewater to productive land by 2015. One easy way to recycle phosphorus is to fertilize fields with sludge from sewage treatment plants. The problem is that the sludge also contains drug residues, flame retardants, heavy metals and other toxins from both households and industries.

 Swedish waterindustry organizations have developed a list of requirements to get the sludge spread on fields. The goal is to have certified sludge acceptable from an environmental and health viewpoint. But opponents argue that certification will lull both farmers and consumers into falsely believing that the sludge is clean and safe.

 There are alternative ways to capture nutrients from wastewater. In sewage treatment, problems sometimes arise when yellowish deposits of the mineral struvite clogs pipes and pumps. The mineral contains nitrogen and phosphorus bound to magnesium and is excellent as a fertilizer. Several treatment plants in the world are now testing to precipitate struvite by pouring magnesium oxide in wastewater. - It works surprisingly well, says David Heldt who a few years ago tested this technology in Stockholm as part of their tests at the Royal Institute of Technology.

 The advantage is that the precipitated mineral is almost completely free from other contaminants found in water. The disadvantage is that the method is expensive. Rising prices of phosphate ore will favor new ways to recycle nutrients and conserve phosphate ore. Dana Cordell stresses that several different measures will be needed to supply the world with phosphorus into the future. - The chances of success increase if we realize that we are indeed facing a serious problem.

 You have just read an article from the journal Research & Progress, written in april 2010.

 You may also be interested in this article:

and maybe this one:


Todde november 2015

Saturday, October 31, 2015

Mobile banking - banking in your mobile

  Could it be something for the future?
  Could it reduce our dependence on banks?
  How long time will it be before the banks take over this new phenomenon?
  Check the article in Research and Progress - Article is in Swedish - but you can translate it with google translate at:


PS. You could also be interested in:

Monday, October 26, 2015

 Hanging Gardens of Babylon 

 One of the Ancient famous seven Miracles

 Did they ever exist? One of the world's seven wonders, has baffled archaeologists. But now, new discoveries have been made and for the first time new evidence can be presented. Evidence that shows they existed. This new evidence demonstrates that they do not appear to be buildt by king Nebuchadnezzar, as previously considered. They appear to have been buildt at a place where we until today did not think they were built on. The established theory has now been challenged, showing exciting new findings about one of the world's seven ancient wonders.
 King Sennacherib (or Sanherib) reind Assyria between 704 and 681 BC. He buildt an enorous canal (120 km long and sometimes 100 m wide) even with an aqueduct (10 meters above groundlevel and 20 m deep) crossing a river.
 Watch this amazing video (54 minutes long) at:


Monday, October 19, 2015

The population explosion

The world's greatest environmental problem

 Hans Rosling is an incurable optimist who sorts out all warning signals and thus concludes that the problems will solve by themselves. Thereby he constitutes a danger to civilization. Ignoring problems is not a good way to deal with them.
 Hans Rosling is not listening to experts in the area. Instead he accuses them of being WRONG, while he himself is RIGHT. That is nothing but bigotry and arrogance.
 As he earns a lot of money by lecturing (often in excess of SEK 200,000: - for an hour or two) you may understand what he is trying to defend.
 It may be pleasant to believe in him, because when you do you don't have to personally contribute to taking responsibility for changing our civilization towords ecology.
 A much more difficult problem to solve is "How can we prevent the planet's population from growing in an uncontrolled manner?" - Hans Rosling does not want to even look at that problem.
 An article in Svenska Dagbladet illustrating the problems (without giving any solution to the problem of population explosion.

 SvD article available (in Swedish - a brief summary of the basic ideas in English will follow) at:

 In addition there is an older Svenska Dagbladet article (from 2011) which highlights the problem of population explosion (also in Swedish - the most basic ideas will be included in my brief translation below):


 Yet the UN has done new calculations based on more recent facts and concluded that the population explosion will probably continue towards 12 or 13 billion. However the planet's limited ability to support that many human beings will most likely ensure that the level will never be reached.
 Which factor that will limit population growth I leave unsaid.

 Mark Twain: It's not what you don't know that gives you trouble. What gives you problems, it is what you are absolutely convinced you know, although it is not so.


 Free translation of the articles:

Rosling is wrong about the world's population

 Hans Rosling has achieved a rare degree of stardom which makes it difficult to come up with criticism. But it is necessary to critizise Rosling on his tendency to downplay the importance of population trends. Roslings most serious error is his idea that our planet can feed 10 billion people, with reasonable prosperity.
 Many experts, especially those with knowledge of global sustainability, development policy and population development are warning against his ignorance. Much space has been given to Roslings positive messages. But very few comments against his blue-eyed opinions get pblished. He avoids tackling the difficult but in every sense vital issue of the world - particularly in Africa - population development. We speak out against his tendency to play down population growth, not least in relation to the availability of arable land, water and energy.
 In national media, public seminars, in the TV sofas and entertainment programs Hans Rosling presents an idea that an increase in global population from 7 billion today to 10 by the end of this century is not a problem. He does it in such an entertaining way and with such zeal that not only ordinary people but also many policymakers believe he is right. Thus Rosling fails to contribute to the interest and efforts towards sustainable development, population and family planning.

Deficiencies in Rosling's message:

1. "World population will level out 'automatically' at 10 billion around 2100!" - It is far from certain! The "demographic transition" (reduced fertility together with increased prosperity) that he bases his reasoning on occurs not at the rate previously assumed. The UN rewrites it's forecasts every year. The annual growth is still over 80 million world citizens per year and the "turning point" is now set at 12.5 billion residents. "The transition" has thus not been automatic. As statistics enthusiast Rosling should see this and recognize the risks of  giving the efforts to reduce fertility lower priority.

2. "It is not possible to do something about reaching 10 billion!" - Of course it is! In many countries fertility is still very high and the use and availability of contraception low. The positive development has been stalled due to reduced efforts. This has happened in a majority of African countries, but also in other countries (India for example). Altogether more than a billion people live under these conditions - a number that will at least double by 2050 with current trends. Why does Rosling not devote his star status to advocate for the rights of all women to determine their own childbearing? Obviously this should be done together with other services, but it should not - as is now happening - be downplayed.

3. People in the poorest countries with the greatest increase in population are especially vulnerable to the lack of resources that our world faces! - World poverty and hunger is concentrated to developing countries. They also suffer from the adverse effects of climate change with resource and food shortages, political unrest, war and refugee flows as a result. Should not Rosling, professor of public health realize that a reduced population growth is the most effective way to help a poor country give welfare to it's people? Why doesn't he mention anything about this in his television shows?

4. Ther most serious error of Rosling is to say that our planet can feed 10 billion people, with reasonable prosperity. - He forgets that the world's arable land is shrinking, the land yields only a marginal increase, the oceans are virtually depleted, the dry belts are spreading, the sea level will rise above high-producing agricultural areas, Asia's water source - Himalayan glaciers - are decreasing. That population growth is exploding in unsustainable big cities, and so on? The list of challenges continues. All these threats could be handled if we manage to level out the population increase at an earlier stage, and at a lower level.

Globally, familly planning efforts have been marginalized and are in current values less than 15 years ago. The resources have gone to fight HIV/AIDS. That is not wrong, but it should not have happened at the expense of family planning and access to and knowledge about contraception´.

• Sweden has for a long time marginalized it's family planning assistance. During the last decade the area of sexual and reproductive health constituted 5-7 per cent of the total Swedish aid. Only a small and declining part is devoted to family planning.

Why does Rosling not mention these facts?

We must try to limit population growth

 Today we are more than seven billion people on Earth. The world's population has increased dramatically. Over the last hundred years the number of people almost quadrupled.
 Continued population growth will increase tensions between different ethnic groups and countries, as the struggle for scarce resources increases.
 Industrialization has led to significantly more resources and waste producing ways of life, especially in the richer countries. This, combined with population growth, has led to over exploitation of natural resources and environmental degradation.
 Hans Rosling notes that the invrease of population does no longer happen because we give birth to more children. Since 1990 the number of children born each year has not increased. The global birth rate does not increase despite high birth rates in poor countries. They are now compensated by the fact that billions of people in Asia and Europe give birth to less than two children per woman.
 The continuing population growth depends instead on more and more children surviving, with increasing length of life. According to Rosling, it is therefore unavoidable that the world population will increase to ten billion people already long before the end of this century.
 But the basic problem remains: The number of people on Earth is expected to rise from seven billion to between ten and thirteen billion during this century.
 Today's major climate and environmental problems have been created over the last hundred years, when world population increased from less than two billion to over seven billion. A population growth of a further three billion to six billion will increase the problems dramatically and drastically reduce our chances of solving them.
 Continued population growth will increase tensions between ethnic groups and countries, as the struggle for scarce resources increases. Moreover, population growth is in many countries a major reason for difficulties in fighting poverty.
 Optimistic commentators (i.e. Rosling and others) believe that all these problems will be solved with new technology and inventions, sensible policy decisions and changes in values and life habits. It sounds more like wishful thinking than realism.
 Judging by how the international community so far has handled the most important global problems - climate change, degradation of ecosystems, political violence and poverty - it seems unlikely that they will be able to take the actions needed to make Earth's current population of seven billion people live in balance with nature.
 Almost one out of two Swedes (47 percent) believe that it should be a human right to bring as many children into the world as you wish. The inconsistency in this suggests that these 47 % are reacting with their spinal cord based on the rights that they have grown up with - in this case, how many children they want.
 Because population growth, coupled with a rapidly growing economy and environmentally destructive technologies, have caused climate change and other environmental problems, it should be obvious that we promptly and with all reasonable means need to try to limit further increases.
 Therefore, it is remarkable that international assistance to population-related programs has declined in recent decades. That is a betrayal of the promises made at the Population Conference in Cairo in 1994. It is particularly worrying that Swedish foreign aid now gives lower priority to measures designed to reduce birth rates (by educating young girls and offering family planning and contraceptive advice). This loss has contributed to the United Nations being forced to write up the population projections in several of the world's poorest countries. All countries in the crisis-hit Horn of Africa, where poverty is widespread and the lack of energy, water and firtile land is steadily worsening. These countries are expected to increase their population two to three times until 2050.
 One argument against reduced fertility is that it will result in fewer young people who can support the growing number of old people. But if China can manage this, despite its drastic one-child system, the much richer industrial countries also should be able to tackle the problem.
 The international community faces enormous challenges, bigger than ever before. The risks are greatly underestimated because of poor or non-existent risk analysis. Also missing is neutral political organizations at a global level, with knowledge and authority to address the problems.

 Radical improvements in the international decision-making procedures on global issues should be a high priority, issues in public debate and on the world political agenda. One of the most burning issues, is the largely silenced problem of continuing population growth. There is a big difference if the population will level off at the level of eight billion - which could be possible - or ten or thirteen billion according to the latest UN projections.

Also check: http://axiom1b.blogspot.com/2019/03/modern-times-growth-was-result-from-one.html

Saturday, October 17, 2015

A program to make you more skeptical of credit cards

Cyber Crime - The new criminals of the WEB

 Part 5 of 6. Bank robbers today has changed Headbands against computers and Ben looks in this section at some of the recent years' most spectacular crimes against banks, where huge sums of money disappeared without a trace.
 In the past, hackers were seen as mischievous teenagers, today they have evolved into a complex world of organized crime and terrorism, where it is increasingly difficult to protect yourselves.
 Hostess Ben Hammersley believes that information security is the greatest challenge, and in this series, he teaches out how we best protect ourselves online.
 Guess how much the banks profit from creditcards when they prefer cards to cash? The losses on cards are not as high as their profits.
Can be seen to Wed 11 November 2015 in Sweden

The program is in English with Swedish subtitles - IT IS NO LONGER AVAILABLE.

Tired of the rat race?
Time to change your lifestyle?
Become one of us!
We will help you to learn to know yourself and redeem the wisdom you have deep inside (but you need to be able to speak, read and write Swedish).

Become a philosopher of Life! - https://www.duga.se/ (In Swedish - use google translate)

Also check:

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Fertilizers and soil impoverishment

 In the Swedish magazine Research and Progress an article about our need phosphorus to agricultural crops to be able to give us a proper food was published. It pointed out that the availability of elemental phosphorus (which can not be substituted by anything else) is essential to the ability of the planet to feed humanity.
 Today, the fertilizer (consisting of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium) are used to fertilize our fields so that we can get big harvests.
 What will happen when we reach "peak phosphorus"?
 Without enough phosphorus in our food our bodies can not produce DNA, which would mean that the amount of severe deformities and genetic defects in the population would increase.
 Another question: Where does the phosphorus we consume end up?
 Answer: The phosphorus is excreted with our urine and then winds up in the sea, where we can not recover it. A clear violation of theidea of recycling.
 One thing overlooked by the article is that our soils are also depleted of minerals as we eat the products of agriculture. Then these minerals are rinsed out with our stool (which should be used as fertilizer on the fields, so that we get the recycling going).
 What humanity should do as soon as possible is therefore to rebuild our entire sewer system, so that both urine (phosphorus) and stool (with precious minerals) could be returned to our fields - The idea of recycling needs to be realized.

 Read the full article (in Swedish) at:



 Or read my free translation here:

Peak phosphorus will result in starvation

Already around the year 2033 the world's production of phosphorus will peak. Then it will decrease, according to Swedish researchers. Lack of phosphorus fertilizers will make food more expensive and less nourishing. It will result in Western Sahara becoming a ingredient in world politics.

 Author: Per Snaprud - Published: 2010-05-04

 The world has become dependent on cheap phosphate ore. This dependence could end in tragedy, according to Jan-Olof Drangert, associate professor of water and sanitation at Linköping University.

 We have to change our habits. If we sit with folded arms, we will suffer famines. It's that simple, he says.

 Phosphorus from mines are included in all types of fertilizers. Since World War II cheap phosphorus fueled the greatest agricultural expansion ever. During the same period, the world population has almost tripled. The mining of phosphate ore has so far been our salvation, says Jan-Olof Drangert.

 In addition to phosphorous the most common type of fertilizer also contain nitrogen and potassium. The nitrogen is produced from the air. With the large amounts of energy fertilizer plants can transform nitrogen into nitrogen compounds that plants can easily assimilate. Phosphorus and potassium come from mines. The world's supply of potassium will last for hundreds of years. The availability of phosphorus is more limited. In some places the deposits are already completely depleted.

 The small Republic of Nauru in the Pacific thrived on the export of phosphate ore during the last century. For a short period, the country's GDP per capita was the second highest in the world. Nouveau riche Islanders imported sports cars, including a yellow Lamborghini - despite the fact that the road around the island is only twelve miles long.

 In recent years, exports have plummeted. The easily accessible ore is gone, and the country is in deep crisis. Similar scenarios are conceivable for the world at large. But opinions differ about when phosphate ore will become scarce.

 The reserves will last for more than a hundred years, there is no doubt about that, says Michel Prud'homme of the fertilizer industry's international trade association IFA Paris.

 He points out that the increased demand for phosphate will lead to new investment in mining, which in turn leads to increased production. This will cause falling prices of phosphate in 2015, according to Michel Prud'homme, who is responsible for questions of production and international trade at the IFA.

 Jan-Olof Drangert and his colleagues paint a darker picture. They have calculated that the total world production of phosphate ore will peak in the year 2033. Thereafter decreases in ore production will start. Some deposits lie deep under the sea. Others are phosphate poor or mixed with high concentrations of toxic heavy metals such as cadmium and uranium.

 These gloomy forecasts were based on data collected by the US Geological Survey, USGS, which estimates world reserves of extractable phosphate ore to 16 billion tons. The real figure is probably much higher, says Michel Prud'homme.

 He has started a project to deliver a new estimate of world reserves before the summer. One difficulty is that many mines owned by fertilizer companies, for business reasons may be reluctant to tell you how much ore that they have left.

  The phosphorus issue has many similarities with the discussion of peak oil - forecast that oil production will reach a peak and then decline. Newly discovered reserves of oil have repeatedly pushed the year of peak oil into the future, and critics say the pessimists underestimate the market's capacity to promote innovations and alternative energy sources. But an important point is different with phosphorus compared to oil.

 The element phosphorus is essential to life. It forms the backbone of the DNA. Chemical compounds containing phosphorus operates energy-consuming processes in all living cells and fill a wide range of vital functions. It is absolutely impossible to replace phosphorus with something else, says Dana Cordell.

 She is researcher on both the theme of water at Linköping University and the Institute for Sustainable Futures at the University of Technology in Sydney, Australia. Recently, she presented a thesis about what the lack of phosphorus means for the world's food supply.

 Dana Cordell admits that the exact prognosis of when the production of phosphorus decays may be wrong. Other researchers have previously said that the decline would have started already in 1989. But there seems to have been a temporary slowdown that mainly depended on the collapse of the Soviet Union. Since then the production of phosphate ore has continued to increase.

 Peak phosphor will happen in about ten or twenty five years and the underlying problems are the same. We need a dramatic change in the way we handle phosphorus, says Dana Cordell.

 Historically, manure and other organic materials accounted for the largest increment of phosphorus in the fields. In the 1840s came a supplement in the form of guano - droppings from sea birds or cave live bats. The manure was discovered on the islands off Peru. Merchant guano shipped to the Europe assets ran until the late 1800s.

 Then phosphate ore sailed up as a seemingly inexhaustible source. Since then, the ore gradually have become increasingly important. Today, farmers spread over six times more phosphate from mines than from the barns on their fields. The mining companies' sales of phosphate have been estimated at tens of billions of dollars per year, and 90 percent goes to the production of food.

 In Europe and North America more than half a century of intensive fertilization has saturated many soils with nutrients. Therefore, small doses sufficient to replace phosphorus are lost with every harvest.

 Elsewhere, the urge for phosphorus will increase. In 2050 the world will have over two billion more mouths to feed, and large parts of Africa have phosphate poor soils. But the biggest changes will occur in Asia, according to the UN agency for food and agriculture, FAO. This is mainly due to China's and India's growing population eating more and more meat. Meanwhile, large-scale cultivation of energy crops is growing throughout the world. All this leads to the same conclusion: the need for fertilizers containing phosphorus and other nutrients will increase significantly in the future. Sulfur may also be in short supply, according to some analysts.

 Two years ago, the price of phosphorus rose sharply from a relatively stable level. Several factors combined. High oil prices and concerns about climate sparked the cultivation of energy crops. China - the world's largest producer of phosphate ore - imposed high export taxes to protect their access to fertilizer. In addition, the fertilizer industry for several years invested too little in their facilities. Phosphate ore prices have increased by more than 800 per cent in 18 months. Then prices started to fall back.

 The bubble resulted in a few articles on phosphorus in the mass media and scientific journals. Arno Rose Marin, a researcher at the Stockholm Environment Institute, believes that the issue deserves far more attention than that. He has long sought to stimulate debate about a looming shortage of phosphorus. It seems as if the United Nations has not understood the problem. This is at least as important as the climate, says Arno Rose Marin.

 Already there are international conflicts on phosphate ore. The known deposits are extremely unevenly distributed. More than three quarters of reserves are located in four countries: Morocco (including Western Sahara), China, Jordan and South Africa. Some of the world's largest deposits are in Western Sahara, a former Spanish colony which Morocco has occupied since 1975. This occupation has been very profitable for Morocco, says Erik Hagen, who for many years has been covering the Western Sahara on behalf of the Norwegian organization Norwatch.

 He expects that Morocco will export phosphate ore from Western Sahara to a value of over one billion crowns this year. That is more than ten times what the EU pays Morocco to fish off the northwest coast of Africa. Sweden was the only member state that voted against the fisheries agreement. The Swedish government supports the right to self-determination of the saharians. The Moroccans are abusing and torturing suspected Sahrawi activists, and they end up in prison after unfair trials.

 Nevertheless, Morocco continue to export phosphate ore from Western Sahara on the world market. The largest customer is the United States. The political significance of phosphorus in this conflict will increase in pace with rising prices for phosphate ore, says Erik Hagen.

 Today's handling of phosphorus also creates serious problems for the environment. Each ton phosphate produced from phosphate rock produces approximately five tons of gypsum as byproduct. The gypsum is difficult to use because it contains radioactive substances from the ore, principally uranium and thorium. Therefore harbors enormous amounts of gypsum in landfills, which in the worst case can contaminate groundwater.

 The phosphorus that ends up in fields can cause a different type of problem: eutrophication. For several decades it was considered that emission of nitrogen was the main cause of runaway algae blooms and dead zones in the Baltic Sea. But since a few years the focus has fallen on phosphorus. The largest single source is leaking from fertilized fields.

 The food we eat contains only a fifth of the mined phosphorus. The rest is lost on the long road from the mine to the fork. It should therefore be possible to economize better. One way is to eat less meat. Carnivores consume more than twice as much phosphorus as vegetarians, says Dana Cordell, who is a vegetarian. In her house she has a urine-separating toilet and collect the urine in a tank outdoors for later use as fertilizer. She also fertilize with compost from their dry toilet. This type of management is hardly an option for the population in the major cities. This eliminates large amounts of phosphorus and other nutrients from the cycle.

 One of the environmental goal of the Swedish parlament is that at least 60 percent of the total phosphorus in wastewater will be recycled to productive land by 2015. One easy way to recycle phosphorus is to fertilize the fields with sludge from sewage treatment plants. The problem is that the sludge also contains drug residues, flame retardants, heavy metals and other toxins from both households and industries.

 The industry organization Swedish waters has led efforts to develop a list of requirements, the sludge to be spread on fields. The goal is that certified sludge should be acceptable from environmental and health viewpoints. But opponents argue that the certification lull both farmers and consumers into a false belief that the sludge is clean and safe.

 There are alternative ways to capture nutrients from wastewater. In sewage treatment, problems sometimes arise when yellowish deposits of the mineral struvite clogs pipes and pumps. The mineral contains nitrogen and phosphorus bound to magnesium and is excellent as a fertilizer. Several treatment plants in the world are now testing to precipitate struvite by pouring magnesium oxide in wastewater. It works surprisingly well, says David Heldt who a few years ago technology tested at Sjöstadsverket in Stockholm as part of their thesis at the Royal Institute of Technology.

 The advantage is that the precipitated mineral is almost completely free from other contaminants found in water. The disadvantage is that the method is pricey.

 Rising prices of phosphate ore will favor new ways to recycle nutrients and conserve phosphate ore. Dana Cordell stresses that many different measures will be needed to save the world from future phosphorus deficiency. The chances of success increase if we realize that we are indeed facing a serious problem, she says.

 Fashion Cordells research was supported by the Australian Department of Education and the Wentworth Group of Concerned Scientists.

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Internet - WiFi - mobilephone - cellphone - Abuse - communication - adiction - warning - password - hacker and how to protect yourself?

  Check the "mobile revolution" at:

  Especially interesting considering how most of us are totally unsuspecting, walking around open for registration and Hi-Jacking and risking becoming located without a clue about risks you expose yourselves to.
 Therefore you should particularly watch from 40 minutes and 40 seconds to 47 minutes into the program.

Produktion year: 2014
Length: 58:00
Avaiable until: 30 june 2018 

 If you do not have time to watch the program - At least learn this lesson: Do not have your mobile phone or I-pad open for WIFI.

Or check the effort to build a greater civilisation (use google translate) at:


Thursday, September 10, 2015

Sapiens - a brief history of humanity

 About Homo Sapiens and how Mankind used the Agricultural Revolution, Fantasy, Language, Tales, Religion, Money, Cooking Arts, Hierarchies and Diets to develop.
I think the author takes up a lot of very interesting ideas in an inspiring way. But I disagree with him that "free will" does not exist. Our legal history and civilization clearly shows that individuals can use willpower to perform miracles.
Especially interesting is that the author points to how important "simple ignorance" has been in creating the modern society.
 It is the Socratic idea that ignorance exists in three different levels:

1) Simple ignorance = to know that you do not know (something to strive for!).

2) Double ignorance = to be unaware that one does not know. (Means that you can reach the level of simple ignorance if someone points out to you that you do not know and you are intelligent enough to then recognize it).

3) Triple ignorance = to be convinced that you know when you do not know. - A hopeless situation, which particularly fundamentalists would find themselves in, if they were smart enough to realize their situation (both religious, political and materialistic).

 It is the hell of fixed ideas, dogmas, preconceived ideas etc.

Interesting discussion with many unusual views – You will find it at:
Historian Yuval Noah Harari takes in the book "Sapiens: a brief history of humanity" us from Homo sapiens first step on the earth, when we were a mammal among all others, until today when we stand as the world's undisputed ruler.


Also check: 

Monday, August 31, 2015

China Democracy Capitalism Economy TED helps you understand the world today:

The developed world holds up the ideals of capitalism, democracy and political rights for all. Those in emerging markets often don't have that luxury. In this powerful talk, economist Dambisa Moyo makes the case that the west can't afford to rest on its laurels and imagine others will blindly follow. Instead, a different model, embodied by China, is increasingly appealing. A call for open-minded political and economic cooperation in the name of transforming the world. 

 Also watch Dambisa Moyo's lectture (17 minutes long) - you find it at:

 (Scroll down to Dambisa Moyos lecture)

Link (Sorry it seems the English subtitles are sometimes removed - If so you can search on Youtube for Chai Jing "Under the Dome" and maybe you can find the film with English subtiteles - It is one hour and 43 minutes long = 103 minutes):

 It seems as it works on firefox (English subtitles) better than on Chrome


Also check the effort to build a greater civilisation (use google translate) at:


Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Two of the greatest questions of life

An interesting philosophical lecture. Especially the last 11 minutes (from 18 minutes).
 The lecture is in English with Swedish text. Can only be seen in Sweden.

 First I will quote Socrates: A life lived without reflection (= meditation) over life is meaningless (= not worth living). The most important thing in life is not to be influenced by others. The most important thing is to develop oneself (= your true self). Therefore: Make sure that you thirst for wisdom, to improve your judgment. Wisdom is achieved with rigor, power and discipline. Rectitude is achieved through training and discipline to overcome personal shortcomings and weaknesses.

 and another quote in the lecture: Beautiful and very young is Philo-Sofia. - Poetry is her ally in the service of the good.

 I recommend especially the last 11 minutes (from minute 18 on)

Production year: 2014
Duration: 29:10
Available until: July 1, 2020

 Philosopher and writer Rebecca Goldstein has a passionate relationship to the philosophy that allowed her to constantly examine and reassess beliefs. Here she talks about the importance of the renaissance of the thoughts of Enlightenment. She believes there are two kinds of philosophical questions that humans wrestle with: questions about what is and questions about what is significant. For example, we must ask ourselves what kind of universe we exist in, and how we see our own identity and significance.

The program is available at UR Play:


Also check: http://axiom1b.blogspot.se/2015/03/from-socrates-1-curse-of-person-who.html

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Wikings, Danelaw, The Oseberg ship etc.

For those who are interested in Viking history there are some episodes from BBC on SVT Play (program is presented in English with Swedish text. Can only be seen in Sweden.
The first section is about the Viking roots - Where did they come from?
The second section focuses first on the Swedish Vikings voyages to the east and then on the Norwegian and Danish Vikings' voyages to the west.

• 51 min
Season 1 - Episode 1
Published Monday, August 17
Can be seen to August 24
Vikings are portrayed sometimes as murderous, marauding barbarians. But this series goes beyond the violent image of the Vikings and looks at how a people on the brink of destruction, managed to build a great empire. Where did they come from? How did they live? And what drove them on journeys of discovery? Part 1 of 3. Neil Oliver goes to Scandinavia to take a closer look at the Viking legend. Who were the Vikings' ancestors? And what marked the beginning of the Viking Age?

• Season 1 - Episode 2
Published Tuesday, August 18
Can be seen at August 25
Part 2 of 3. Neil Oliver goes to Russia, Turkey and Ireland. It was here that the Vikings' trading empire began with Chinese silk and slaves merchandise. Vikings are portrayed sometimes as a murderous, marauding barbarians. But this series goes beyond the violent image of the Vikings and looks at how a people on the brink of destruction, managed to build a great empire. Where did they come from? How did they live? And what drove them on journeys of discovery?

The third section (will be published August 19th) deals with the end of the Viking Age - Can be seen to 26 August.

The programs are available at: