Sunday, August 21, 2016

Quote from Plato's socratic dialogues:

1) Simple ignorance = Knowing that you do not know

2) Double-ignorance = Not being aware of what you do not know

3) Triple ignorance = To believe that you know when you do not know

  Socrates then informs that simple ignorance is a godsend, because an individual who is just simply ignorant has the opportunity to acquire the knowledge that he is ignorant of.

  The individual who is doubly ignorant must instead hope that some kind soul informs him about his ignorance. If he is able to accept the message from the kind soul he can become aware of his ignorance and thus arrive at simple ignorance.
 Then he can have the opportunity to gain knowledge in the area.

  The triple ignorance, however has no way of getting out of ignorance. There is no way of ending his ignorance as long as he believes or is convinced that he knows.

Another way Socrates said this:

Smart people learn from everything and everyone.

Average people lear from their own experience.

Ignorant people already know everything.

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 Gautama Siddhartha (the Buddha) said that for some individuals it is impossible to enter the road to enlightenment. They were of three different kinds:

1) Those who belive in Destiny - The belief that the future is already created and thus there is no way of changing your future.
2) Those who belive in an almighty GOD and that their GOD has created them and their future. Thus they cannot change their future,
3) Those who belive that life and the universe were created by chance. Those who belive that only materialistic causes can exist and that there exist no causative agent outside the physical universe (the universe consisting of Matter, Energy, Space and Time = the MEST universe).

Also check the "Modern Socratic Method" (use google translate) at:

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