Sunday, April 12, 2015

True Friendship, Philosophy, Freedom, Happiness, Truth, Wisdom.

 Praise Eternity for true Friendship and Philosophy. And also to the other children of eternity: Freedom, Happiness, Truth, Wisdom etc.

  True friendship and philosophy exist beyond time and space in the essence of eternity. No perception of the body will recognize them. Only with thought will it be possible to grasp the meaning of these spritual subjects.

 Humans equipped with the power of thought can reach and understand these concepts. The task of philosophers is to learn the skills needed to accomplish this.

 The word philosophy is from greek. Philos means love or friendship, sophos means wisdom

 It is necessary to over and over again mention the fact that such a great being as Socrates lived on this planet to teach us. Hopefully sometimes it will happen that some humans recognize the wisdom he delivered.

 In his book "Jonathan Livingstone Seagull" Richard Bach tells a beautiful story of Philosophy. It was the number one bestseller in the USA for the year 1970 and has continued to sell in large volumes since then. The book is an excellent introduction to true philosophy.

A review of the book "Jonathan Livingstone Seagull":
 A saga about Freedom.

 The book is full of wisdom - Jonathan Livingston Seagull is no ordinary seagull. To cry, yell and fight for the fish offal is none of his business. He would rather spend his time perfecting the noble art of flying. But going against the rules and the morals is not easy, neither in world of men or seagulls. Jonathan tries to conform and behave like other gulls.
 But soon he is out over the sea again practicing low- and high-speed flight, looping, top role, etc. It is only when he gets to practice in flight that he feels really happy and free. But his training is not appreciated by the flock.
 He gets expelled from the gulls community and relegated to a life of loneliness on distant cliffs, because he by his reckless irresponsibility offended the dignity and traditions of the seagull community. As the first gull ever Jonathan defies the provision that no one may speak against the Council's verdict:
 Irresponsibility? Who can be more responsible than the gull that seeks and finds a meaning, a higher purpose in life? For thousands of years we have toiled around for fish heads, but now we can attain higher purposes in life - to learn, to discover, to be free! Give me a chance, let me teach you what I ...”
 But Jonathan gets no chance. He is banished and beyond the distant cliffs, he learns even more about aeronautics.
 Suddenly, one day, he gets a visit. Maybe he is not as alone in his quest as he thought. Two seagulls WITH "wings that shimmer like starlight" brings Jonathan along on a flight to new worlds and dimensions. Here he meets soul mates and learn more about flying, about himself and life than he might have thought possible ...
 A really true philosophical idea from the book: You will start to enter heaven, Jonathan, at the very moment you attain perfect speed. And that is not flying 1500 km/hour, or 15 000, or even the speed of light. Every figure marks a limit and perfection has no limits. Perfect speed, my son, is to have arrived. - What beautiful philosophy! Perfect speed is TO BE THERE! or TO BE PRESENT!
 "The story of Jonathan Livingstone Seagull" by Richard Bach is a nice little book. Although the book is thin it is literally crammed with existential, spiritual and philosophical musings - presented in an easy to understand way out from a seagull point of view. 

Modern western philosophy on Friendship at: (use google translate)


  1. If you are interested in the subject of Friendship you must read the article at:

    1. Yes! Also read that article on "Friendship".
      It is beautiful.

