Saturday, October 21, 2017

Do Elites have Responsibility
for Democracy?
 Today (21/10 2017) an article was published in the 
Swedish newspaper SvD 

 It was (my opinion) very well written and nuanced. 
 Enjoy the article here:

 Elites exit. It was the theme of a conference, which 
recently collected a selection of what could be called
 elite politicians, opinion makers, journalists and
 representatives of different organizations.
 So what was it about - who is leaving what?

 The fact that a significant proportion of citizens have  
felt that their dissatisfaction has not been satisfactorily 
acknowledged by the elites is the reason why the old 
left-right scale with its supporting pillars in the form  
of major social democratic and conservative parties, has
been challenged in many of western world's democracies.
 Of course, all parties are populist (one way or the other) 
- they say they want to represent the people, and rarely 
present inadequate and probably simple solutions to
complex problems.

 But unlike established parties, the newly arrived or 
transformed may argue that they are not burdened with elites 
- a competitive advantage that brought the Environment Party  
into the Swedish Parlament in 1988 and the Swedish Democrats 
in 2010. Emmanuel Macron's party La République En Marche is
another example; It was formed in 2016 - just a year later 
Macron took place as president of the Elysée Palace.

 Thus the people complain. With the space democracy allows,
they change the leaders of their country. Some citizens solve 
their perceived problems themselves through other exit 
strategies; collaborative security, burglar alarms and 
private health insurance.

 Others are looking for laws of alternative societies 
and norms. And the elites - what's up with them?

 We are finding ourselves in the midst of a dramatic shift where technology again drives new power structures born out of chaos.

 The last time this culminated was in 1789. However, in those days when the people literally ”cut the heads of power” it was only a crescendo on the real change in human life that the art of printing brought about; Words and science became available to the people - the real revolution behind it, which in the history books is called the French revolution.

 Nowadays that power no longer belongs to royal courts; but the present-day elites are equally disturbed by the forces put in motion by people they can not control. The Internet revolution is already evident in the loud noise outside their castles. In the elite (which I obviously belong to), we shine our powdered noses for vulgar and uncivilized expressions in social and alternative media.

 Yes, this is both addicted and simplified. But maybe with a grain of truth?

 The French Revolution was the culmination of a technological revolution that gave knowledge and enlightenment to the people.

 Because of the fact that the elite of the media was completely surprised after the British referendum and the US presidential election, the media obviously lacked the ability to see what was going on. They failed to move along with the people. While this was going on, we (the elites) were discussing how come the populistic parties suddenly entered parlaments across Europé?

 It is a problem for our civilisatiom when the elites can not see (other than possibly with contempt) the perspectives of those who live in the real world and who have completely different experiences of, for example, globalization, digitalization or immigration. And when the elites are exiting from their relationship with the people, whether it's a dismissal of public service, a failure of the laws of society, or a moralizing tone in the media, one should not be surprised if the people choose a different dissatisfaction strategy than loyalty.

 I am not suffering from dystopi, nor do I consider that the social development of society is predetermined. I think democracy can handle these challenges. But the elites that politics and journalism make up need to pass the tests they are now facing. They need to understand that they are elites and they need to accept the responsibility that follows.

 A good and trustworthy democratic society has to be based on the fact that there are elites and that you can feel respect for them.

 When you know that you can trust your officials, when the elites representing the law are color-blind and the elected politicans are not corrupt. When the news media reports objectively and are consequently neutral. That 's the responsibilty the elites have to live up to. The social system needs to be based on meritocracy and not on birth. It is the responsibility of the elites. If we as elites fail to protect these values, we deserve to be thrown out of the castle.

 Tove Lifvendahl is political editor-in-chief at SvD.

 Maybe you would also be interested in: 

 or join the  effort to create a better civilisation (use google translate) at:

Monday, October 2, 2017


 The book FOLKVANDRING by Vaclav Claus has just been published in Swedish and I would highly recommend it.  Vaclav Claus was the President of the Czech Republic in 2003-2013. His book provides a much more accurate picture of the immigration crisis that hit Europe from 2015 onwards.
 Actually, there are no news that the book conveys to those who have already settled into the issue of cultural mix (Read Islamization) in our western democracies.
 A quote from the book (suggesting that the people of Czechoslovakia were forced to live under a communist dictatorship, Soviet Union, for more than 40 years) and therefore have a different reality:

 As a consequence, we have been given the ability to appreciate the true meaning of freedom, and we have become sensitive, if not close to hypersensitive to all signs of weakened and/or restyricted freedom.

 The word freedom means more to us than to the people of Western Europe and America, who already lived in freedom and therefore took it for granted.

 The book is available for purchase in Swedish bookstores

  Price at Adlibris SEK 122: -   –  

  Price at Bokus it costs SEK 118: -   –


Saturday, August 12, 2017

The atmosphere around our planet

  We breathe and live thanks to the air that surrounds us. It took a long time before our scientists realized that our atmosphere consists of different gases. It was only during the enlightenment and the scientific revolution of the 18th century that our modern western civilization made the groundbreaking discoveries that contributed to the greatest breakthroughs of our civilization.
  We Swedes can feel proud that our famous chemist Carl Wilhelm Scheele was involved in the area, as well as an Englishman, Joseph Priestly. Antoine Lavoisier - one of the greatest scientists of all time – is however the individual who contributed more than anyone else to our undersyanding of the air we breath. Lavoisier was the one who ended the erronius Flogiston theory.

  See the program (it is in English with Swedish subtitles) at:


Also check out:

Thursday, August 10, 2017

Democracy becomes populism
 when the people think wrong

Our politicians today do not want to represent the majority’sperceptions and interests. International political careerattracts more than the national and politicians prefer tofollow international elites along, writes Jan Tullberg.

 In the case of groups with social problems our politicians
prefer to treat them as helpless victims. 
A problematic situation is by no means impossible to get out of. However, the person may
instead have trained him/herself into inability. He/she can no 
longer help him/herself but hopes for help from others.
 Responsible people in important positions for the social system
should not suffer such helplessness, but we see more signs of 
how that happens. The EU Commission President Jean-Claude 
Juncker summarized his view in this way:

 We know what everyone needs to do, but we do not know how to 
survive as politicians if we do."
 According to their analysis, the error is not in the leaders 
but in democracy. From the citizen perspective, one is struck 
by the many destructive ideas of the politicians. To a large 
extent, they make decisions that counteract what they declared 
themselves willing to do.
 Migration contains a number of systematical errors. The UN 
Refugee Commission, with constant lack of money, takes care of 
refugees for SEK 5,000 per person per year. Different 
governments have bureaucratic asylum systems that take care of 
migrants for 200,000 per person per year. Only the Swedish 
migration system costs more per year than the two largest 
international systems cost together (UNHCR + World Food Program). 
 The latter take care of real refugees who, in actual sense, 
"move to safeguard their lives". Sweden instead addresses 
resettlementers who want to upgrade their existence to a higher 
standard. In general terms, if you talk about effective help and 
helping those with the greatest needs, you are opposed. Calling 
the system humanitarian and generous is empty advertising chat.
 If you want to solve a problem, it's wise to start early before 
it has grown into a big problem. Moroccan street children get 
older and violent, but both police and social authorities are 
apathetic concerning permanent criminals who should be handled 
before being recruited by criminal leagues. In the suburbs it 
becomes increasingly difficult to get witnesses. The “dialogue 
police” is increasingly emerging as a retreat policy. Citizens 
are forced to get used to coexist with the criminals. It is 
becoming increasingly apparent that the police fail to maintain 
their violence monopoly.
 Despite large allocations to the armed forces, a number of 
European countries are unable to defend their borders from an 
invasion by unarmed immigrants. The principle "no more violence 
than necessity demands" is replaced with "no violence even if 
required." In Sweden, coercion may only be used against those 
who are in the "custody" for expulsion. The parliament has also 
decided that children should not be put in the custody, which in 
practice means that families with children can penetrate "with 
us unable to do anything about it".

 Did nobody understand this when the situation developed? At times our politicans realized that something might be wrong, if there was no difference between getting yes or no on an asylum application. The definition of "a regulated immigration" is, of course, that a NO must also mean NO. Another stupid rule is never to send a criminal to his homeland if he is at risk of death penalty for his crime.
 Swedish authorities do not want to be involved. Sweden, however, is involved by the presence of criminals and violent people who walk freely around here until the day their home country agrees to the Swedish code of conduct.
 In order to prevent people from drowning in the Mediterranean, rescue operations such as Italian Mare Nostrum and the Swedish Coast Guard were started. But when people in sea need are picked up, they are strangely not sent back to their port of departy, but into Europe.
 We are following the smugglers' plan. The asylum seeker now hopes for the cooperation between the smugglers and those charged with stopping illegal immigration. As a result, the operation becomes completely counterproductive.
 More people get a free ride into Europe and more die during transit. Even though it's not only wrong, the "rescue policy" continues. The consequences for Swedish society are ignored in favor of a series of insignificant procedural rules and the peoplesmugglers.
 In an American TV movie, the villain is released if the police failed to read his rights or if the search query was incorrectly written. Today's spokesmen are no problem solvers, but opportunists who care for themselves and they take no risks of tramping other rulers on their toes.
 Problems need not be resolved but can be denied. In today's globalized world, a host of events take place that the authorities do not consider themselves able to control, but it seems like the situation with an alcoholic, who prefers to give up when confronted with the temptation to escape from responsibility. If he thinks that the rent is an unforeseen expense, it's good to invest that money in a purchase of more alcohol.
 The modern decision maker looks at migrant flows and crime with the same impotence. One journalist proposed a "power of attorney investigation" to highlight the inability of decision makers.

 The former social elite could also make bad decisions, but they were still driven by an interest in making the best for the Swedish people. It seems clear that today's elites lack that interest.
 Todays representatives want to serve their own interests, not those they represent. Revolt may not be the correct word for the behavior, the word "betrayal" fits better.
 Politicians do not want to represent the majority with their perceptions and interests. An international political career attracts more. Why can’t the voters just be silent and applaud?
 Another task is to appoint him/herself as a representative of a minority, claiming that it must be protected against the prejudices of the national majority.
 It is becoming increasingly clear that democracy must either be abolished or that the term must be interpreted differently.
 Of course, it is not just a new macro perspective that is behind the new attitude but also more personal factors. A hundred years ago, a retailer in our parliament was a representative of the bourgeoisie and a social-democratic raillroad worker remained a worker even though he had a parliamentary place. Now their successors are broilers who are molded and shaped in various youth organisations. They represent no group other than their own.

 Having children of your own is a project that takes a lot of time and effort that could otherwise have been invested in your own political career. Not having children can therefore be an advantage in the competition and it is not surprising that a number of European top politicians are childless. For example: German Federal Chancellor Angela Merkel, Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte and the newly elected French president Emmanuel Macron, Luxembourg's Prime Minister Xavier Bettel, Scottish Deputy Nicola Sturgeon, British Prime Minister Teresia May and Swedish Prime Minister Stefan Löfven.
 However, the benefit of the childless career can have a negative effect on how to handle the mission. Having children and grandchildren may create an interest in community development in the longer term.
 Will the society be tolerable for the decendants of the politicans? Missing that perspective increases the risk of longterm liability. There are, of course, childless people who show a great social responsibility and parents who miss it, but there seems to be a reasonable hypothesis that parenthood has an impact on decision-makers' societal views.
 Clearly, democracy is not a stable indestructible system. It can be threatened and fall. It is not only threats from small extremist groups, but also threats from the top (elites).
 The political leadership can be benevolent for democracy when the people agree, but they change their attitude when people have other plans for the future than the political elite. Then democracy loses its charm and is called populism.

 JAN TULLBERG Jan Tullberg is a writer and lecturer in business administration. He is the author of the book

 The original article in Swedish at:

Thursday, August 3, 2017

Why do Swedish mass media not want to publish statistics from BRÅ (Council for Crime Prevention)?

 Mass media in Sweden (and elsewhere) talk about "fake news" and claim that they themselves publish the truth - as opposed to "populist media".  It's time to scrap the political correctness (PC) and put it in the trash basket where it belongs.  On this link you will find statistics from BRÅ (article is in Swedish, but you will find a free translation to English below) as politically correct mass media refuse to publish:

Todde Also check:

 Why the government of Sweden refuses to investigate the criminality of immigrants

 COLUMN. The government today refuses to let the Crime Prevention Council (BRÅ) make a new study of immigrants' crime. But if you update the statistics for criminals of different categories from the 2005 study, it appears that people with immigrant background now seems to commit most of the crimes in Sweden. Economist Jan Tullberg in this article writes about these facts that all the major newspapers in Sweden (including DN, SvD and GP) choose not to publish.

 The government believes that we do not need to investigate the criminality of immigrants any further. Everyone seems to be in agreement that they are overrepresented in crime, but that the difference is reduced when taking into account various socio-economic factors. According to the government, we should not investigate the criminality of immigrants any further, but instead focus on helping them to better their socio-economic circumstances.

 The contest in the Crime Prevention Council's (= BRÅ) 2005 report was to compare the crime rates of different immigrant backgrounds - foreign-born, Swedish-born with two foreign-born parents, and Swedish-born with one foreign-born parent - with those who have two Swedish-born parents. The Swedish group's crime rate was given the value 1.0. The foreigners' crime rate was estimated to be 2.5, that is 150 percent higher than the Swedes. For Swedish-born with two foreign-born parents, the overrepresentation was 2.0 while those with one foreign-born parent had a crime rate of 1.4. This concerns crimes in total, but when you investigate gross violent crime such as robbery, abuse and rape, the overrepresentation of different immigrant groups is considerably higher.

 The latest report from the Crime Prevention Council (BRÅ-2005) analyzes crime in the period 1997-2001, so it may be time for an update. The immigrants have increased by one million from 2000 to 2016, which naturally increased their share of crime in Sweden, and already that change requires an update.

 An additional reason for updating is that the foreign-born today has a changed composition in terms of origin, which could have a big impact on crime rate. BRÅ-2005 compared to BRÅ-1996 and commented that "over-risk" for foreigners increased from 2.1 to 2.5. The report states: "The overcrowding of foreigners has increased due to the fact that some immigrant groups today are to a greater extent registered for crimes than 12 years ago. The increase is instead explained mainly by the fact that the number of persons in Sweden belonging to refugee groups, which has already been shown to be particularly high in previous studies, has increased (p. 11). This update has therefore also taken into account these changes in the calculation of immigrant crime by 2016.

 The analysis in 1996 contains evidence that foreigners can be divided into three groups, those with low, medium and high crime rates. If you examine the distribution between the three groups, you will find significant changes over time. The change of the mix has continued from 2000 to 2016 with a higher proportion of immigrant population who has shown a higher proportion of criminals. The proportion of foreign-born in the group with average crime rates is quite unchanged at 47 percent, while the low-crime group has fallen to 19 percent and the high crime group has increased to 34 percent, a change of about 10 percentage points. This has meant that the excess risk of crime for foreign-born immigrants in Sweden continues to increase, now from factor 2.5 in 2000 to 2.9 by 2016. Immigrant crime is increasing by the immigrants becoming a larger proportion of the population and by the immigrant group having a changed composition .

 Foreigners without Swedish National Registration Number accounted for 7 percent of the criminals in the BRÅ-2005 study. The update counts unchanged proportion of the criminals from this group. This may be too optimistic as the proportion increased from 3 to 7 percent between the two studies BRÅ-1996 and BRÅ-2005. The number of illegal persons and their criminal activity may well have increased further.

 The groups Swedish-born with two foreign-born parents and Swedish-born with one foreign-born parent are calculated with the same upper risk as in BRÅ-2005, 2.0 and 1.4 respectively. This is also optimistic. A higher crime rate in the parenting process probably draws the figures for the second generation.

 BRÅ has previously stated the (positive thinking) that second-generation immigrants in Sweden are less criminal than the first generation, while the relationship in many other countries is the opposite. The major social problems in immigrant areas can be interpreted as signs of increased crime in the second generation of immigrants. But in this article we do not count on increased crime per person, only the two populations have grown. If we update market shares for criminals of different categories from BRÅ-2005, we will get a new picture.

 Of course, it would be best to do a new study.

 Please, one inspired by the 1996 study, which is more ambitious than that made in 2005. Before such a future study is presented, updates should be used as in this analysis, instead of using figures from BRÅ-2005. The survey has a historical interest, but now the best date has passed a long time ago. It should also be stressed that the statistics relate to the number of criminals, not the number of crimes. On average, these people have been linked to almost two crimes per person. However, the number of reported offenses is four times more than those that have been linked to a suspected one. A large part of the offenses with unknown perpetrators have reasonably been committed by persons who are "already known by the police". However, this article does not seek to allocate the total amount of crime but stops at BRÅ's goal of invoking the group of criminals and distributing it among different population categories. Generally, overrepresentation for immigrants increases if you investigate specific serious crimes such as robbery and rape. There have also been a series of new crime categories with very high immigrant involvement: group violence, car fires, attacks on police and other blue-light personnel - and perhaps the most worrying: terrorist attacks in Sweden.

 But even for a wide array of different crimes, coarse and less serious, people with immigrant background commit themselves to judging most of the crimes in Sweden. This article up to the previous paragraph has been sent to Dagens Nyheter, Svenska Dagbladet, Göteborgsposten, Fokus and Today's society. They have all thanked us for this attempt to provide a better basis for analysis and discussion. In many questions, the political establishment wishes ignorance and silence. The media should experience that they have a mission to counteract this veritophobia. But unfortunately, they often fend off the ideal of completing a reviewing and informative function. This is an example.


Saturday, July 8, 2017

A poem from Charlie Chaplin written when he was 17 years old

As I began to love myself I found that anguish and emotional suffering
are only warning signs that I was living against my own truth.
Today, I know, this is “AUTHENTICITY”.
As I began to love myself I understood how much it can offend somebody
As I try to force my desires on this person, even though I knew the time
was not right and the person was not ready for it, and even though this
person was me. Today I call it “RESPECT”.
As I began to love myself I stopped craving for a different life,
and I could see that everything that surrounded me was inviting me to grow.
Today I call it “MATURITY”.
As I began to love myself I understood that at any circumstance,
I am in the right place at the right time, and everything happens
at the exactly right moment. So I could be calm.
Today I call it “SELF-CONFIDENCE”.
As I began to love myself I quit steeling my own time,
and I stopped designing huge projects for the future.
Today, I only do what brings me joy and happiness, things I love to do
and that make my heart cheer, and I do them in my own way and in
my own rhythm. Today I call it “SIMPLICITY”.
As I began to love myself I freed myself of anything that is no good for
my health – food, people, things, situations, and everything that drew
me down and away from myself. At first I called this attitude
a healthy egoism. Today I know it is “LOVE OF ONESELF”.
As I began to love myself I quit trying to always be right, and ever since
I was wrong less of the time. Today I discovered that is “MODESTY”.
As I began to love myself I refused to go on living in the past and worry
about the future. Now, I only live for the moment, where EVERYTHING
is happening. Today I live each day, day by day, and I call it “FULFILLMENT”.
As I began to love myself I recognized that my mind can disturb me
and it can make me sick. But As I connected it to my heart, my
mind became a valuable ally. Today I call this
connection “WISDOM OF THE HEART”.
We no longer need to fear arguments, confrontations or any kind of problems
with ourselves or others. Even stars collide, and out of their crashing
new worlds are born.Today I know THAT IS “LIFE”!

Monday, May 22, 2017

Bitcoin - A Currency of the Future?

 Our monetary system's history began with barter trading. First, people exchanged goods and services for later use by means of payment such as gold, silver, coins and banknotes. This was the start of our banking system with money loans, corruption and financial crises.
 How will payments be made in the future? Some believe that Bitcoin is the currency of the future. But what are Bitcoins, and how do they work?

 After watching the program, I have to admit that I still do not understand what bitcoin is or how it works?
 "I understand that it is a new monetary system." "Still, I think it will have to go through crises, broken hopes, disappointments and" as usual "enrich those who first get into the bitcoin game" before it stabilizes or goes under.
 To me, the most important lessons to learn from the program is that it illuminates our monetary and financial systems in a way that is easy to comprehend and it increases understanding of the history of money.
 A lesson we should already have learned from "The History of Money" is that all systems can be used and abused. This also applies to monetary and financial systems. And we learned that a monetary system to function properly must have a currency that is relatively stable. So far Bitcoin really hasn't arrived there.

 Some quotes from the program:

 Francis Bacon: Money is an excellent servant, but a bad master.
 Albert Einstein: Interest rate is the eighth wonder of the world. Those who understand it can profit from it. Those who do not understand it have to pay.

 What always characterizes money is:

1) There has to be a scarcity of money
2) Money should be easy to recognize
3) They can be shared
4) They can be changed
5) They can be transported
6) They are persistent (don’t deteriorate)
7) They have a value that is accepted
8) They are hard to fake

 The program is available at:

International title: Bitcoin: the end of money as we know it
Production year 2015 - Available until: 31 December 2018 (English language with Swedish subheadings

Also check:

Friday, May 5, 2017

William Marshall - The greatest knight of the medivial era.
He participated in almost 1500 tournaments and did not loose one single fight.
But what he is most famous for is for creating "Magna Carta" into a reality.

Check this program on YouTube (it has english subtitles) at:

 Why not also check the historical lie that the crusaders were christian knights attacking muslims at:

or join the effort to create a better civilisation (use google translate) at:


Saturday, February 25, 2017

Jihad - Crusade - Politically correct? - NOT!

 Our young already in school learn that "Christians" attacked Muslims 1000 years ago, when the Pope sent European crusaders to liberate "the Holy Land" from Muslim supremacy.  We are supposed to forget the point that Islam's soldiers through Jihad had attacked and taken control over "Christian countries" throughout North Africa and Spain. We are also supposed to forget that Islam threatened the "Christian Eastern Roman Empire" and finally conquered the capital (Constantinople) of the Eastern Roman Empire in 1453 and thus ended the Eastern Roman Empire.
 That it was Muslim jihadists who started this war of religions, and that it is Muslim jihadists who even today continues to carry on this religious war is somethning we are supposed to forget.  Islamic Jihad warriors defeated the Christian world armies and navies and conquered vast areas of land from the day the prophet Mohammed began Islamic Jihad (in the 600s) until the Jihad warriors were stopped.
 The first stop of Islamic expansion was Karl Martell victory in 732, which stopped Islamic expansion at the Pyrenees (the border between Spain and France today). The christians in Spain then worked for 700 years to drive the muslims out of Spain.
 Next key limitation of the Islamic expansion did not happen until 1571, when the Europeans thanks to the Renaissance and improved weapons technology, defeated the Islamic naval force at the "Battle of Lepanto" in 1571. The Battle of Lepanto was vital as the Islamic fleet was defeated so thoroughly that the muslim world lost control of trade routes in the Mediterranean.
 In 1683 the forces of Islamic (Ottoman Empire) were defeated after their siege of Vienna in 1683. The strength of Christendom, through european science and technological advances during the industrial revolution, finally made it possible for europeans to get the upper hand against Islamic Jihadists. In 1683 the Europeans won after three days of fighting between the 10th and 12th of September. To Jihad warriors 9/11 became a date of defeat. That is the reason why Al Qaeda chose 9/11 to attack the twin towers in New York. The date 9/11 became a date of vengeance to the jihadists.  The West might believe that the wars between Western crusaders and Islamic Jihad were over, since the Muslim forces were defeated both at sea and on land. Todays Western total superiority in the air and through military doscipline (inherited from Sparta and Rome) give us a situation where Islamic jihadists do not even try to fight the West using conventional warfare. They are well aware that they would then be thoroughly defeated.
 The Muslim world, which certainly has not abandoned the idea of ​​spreading the Islamic message to all peoples of the earth, today select terrorism for its warfare (a different mode to make war/jihad). They have no other choice.
 That western politically correct decision-makers today choose to pretend that the religious war against Islam has ended. But for the muslims Jihad has never ceased against the western world. Islamic Jihad goes on!  The politally correct politicans and citizens of the West choose to ignore the fact that Islamic Jihad continues. That the PC mafia does not realize this is because of their inability to confront the danger face to face. Their inability to confront the situation stems from their unwillingness accept responsibility.
 They hope that the problem will disappear by itself. Jihadists rejoice over the West's inability to deal with the situation.
 Islamic Jihad is not only fought through terrorism. Is is also done my migrating millions of islamic "refugees" into the western world (Europe and to sdome degree America and Australia) 

 Please check these (there are more on Youtube) posts by Brigitte Gabriel:

 Brigitte Gabriel response to a Muslim woman who tries to criticize using PK (5 minutes):

 Brigitte Gabriel Speaking to voters in USA for the presidential election in 2016 (5 minutes):

 Islam History shortened to 17 minutes:


PS. Also check:

Monday, February 6, 2017

Women's power in world history - documentary
 The position of women has varied greatly throughout history.
 Even Socrates expressed the idea that you can determine how 
civilized a society is by studying how the society treats its 
 I have so far seen only Section 1 of the series of 4 episodes.
 It is instructive. It is very much about the laws of different 
societies and how they affected the status of women. But the fact
is that there is just as much about the different laws of 
civilizations, which of course manifest itself in how they treat 
their women.
 Section 1: Amanda Foreman traveling in Turkey, Siberia and Greece
and talks about women's history in the early settlements in
Mesopotamia and ancient Greece. It is about the origin of 
patriarchy, women's power, and how and why the status of women 
decreased while humanity at large became richer. Foreman explores
the world's first laws passed in Mesopotamia. Here, issues 
relating to divorce, abortion and the use of the veil. We also 
hear about the extraordinary women in history like Enheduanna, 
the world's first writer to sign her famous name and Hatshepsut, 
the pharaoh of ancient Egypt.
 All sections (English spoken with Swedish subtitles) can be seen 

 All sections available on UR Play for February 28, 2018
 Section 2: Amanda Foreman traveling in Vietnam, China and Japan 
and examines the values ​​and ideals of Confucianism and Buddhism. 
She takes up the relationship of power between women and men in 
different social systems and talks about the relationship between 
Yin and Yang. It is about patriarchy, oppression and subordination,
but also of female leaders, groundbreaking poetry and female 
rebels. Foreman tells of Trung sisters, who revolted against 
traditional gender roles and Empress Wu Zetian, creator of a 
system of government based on the individual's knowledge and 
track record. We also hear about the Japanese poet Murasaki 
Shikibu, and the tradition of binding young girls feet.
 Section 3: Amanda Foreman travel to the cities of Istanbul, 
London, Paris and Delhi to investigate the women's way to 
conquer power and freedom. Women who were active in the 
patriarchal system created their own paths to power and influence
and inspired by the intellectual currents and religious ideas of 
their contemporaries. Foreman meets the actor Fiona Shaw, who 
tells us about Elizabeth I of England, who used language and 
symbolism to strengthen her power over the church, court and 
kingdom. We also hear about other extraordinary women in history 
– the Empress Theodora of the Byzantine Empire and Nur Jahan, 
Empress, politician and military strategist in India.
 Section 4: Hostess Amanda Foreman travel to Russia, Britain, 
France and the United States to investigate how modern 
revolutions affected the lives of women. Have the French 
Revolution or the Arab Spring improved women's rights and 
opportunities, or was it just different patriarchal hierarchies 
that succeeded each other? Foreman meets Nadezhda Tolokonnikova 
from the activist group Pussy Riot who discuss the development of
Russia under Putin and politician Lindiwe Mazibuko who talk about
the situation of women in Africa. Both mean that the struggle for 
women's rights is done through awareness, dialogue and education.

PS. I have now (10/2) seen all four sections. Must admit that the 
message of this series has gone home with me. I had already taken 
many steps towars being a "feminist" - who is against any ideas
that brings us back to clan patriarchy. I am totally against that 
we in the modern Western societies shall import lots of boys with 
beards and men with medieval patriarchal ideas about how women
should be treated.

Also check What Socrates had to say about women