Saturday, August 12, 2017

The atmosphere around our planet

  We breathe and live thanks to the air that surrounds us. It took a long time before our scientists realized that our atmosphere consists of different gases. It was only during the enlightenment and the scientific revolution of the 18th century that our modern western civilization made the groundbreaking discoveries that contributed to the greatest breakthroughs of our civilization.
  We Swedes can feel proud that our famous chemist Carl Wilhelm Scheele was involved in the area, as well as an Englishman, Joseph Priestly. Antoine Lavoisier - one of the greatest scientists of all time – is however the individual who contributed more than anyone else to our undersyanding of the air we breath. Lavoisier was the one who ended the erronius Flogiston theory.

  See the program (it is in English with Swedish subtitles) at:


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