Saturday, August 25, 2018

What is Karma?

 In the West, there are great misunderstandings about what the word Karma actually means.
 Karma's law is "The Law of Cause and Effect". The indo-European root word is
kwer-1 witch means to make.
 Most of us in the western world have learned that the law ofKarma is about eye for eye and tooth for tooth. But that idea comes from the Sumerian system of laws, commonly known as the laws of Hammurabi. Hammurabi's laws were written on stone pillars in Mesopotamia about 1800 BC. See:
 In order to understand the law of Karma, first of all, we need to define the different spheres of existence that the individual operates in. We call these spheres of existence dynamics. They are parts of the driving force (dynamics) that life gives man - actually the immortal being (= your true self) living in a human nature  (your false self).
 Part 1 (= 1D) of this dynamic priciple is to survive as a human nature or the ego that most human beings define themselves by and which society confirms as "your existence."
 Part 2 (= 2D) of life's dynamics for mankind is the drive to exist as family. In our modern society most often husband + wife + child(ren).
 Part 3 (= 3D) of life's dynamics is the urge to exist through groups or with friends (see the article on "Friendship" at: )
 Part 4 (= 4D) of life's dynamics is the urge to exist through culture, civilization or as all of humanity.
 A common misunderstanding about karma is that it only has to do with the karma of your human nature (= 1D). But if so you forget that man is not a lonesam being. On the contrary, man is a being striving for togetherness. He wants to belong to some kind of community. The person who remains alone, without friends remains unhappy.
 Another misunderstanding, which is very common in Asia, is that it is important to avoid committing harmful acts to get good karma. But if you only choose to avoid all sorts of harmful actions, then the risk is great that you forget what is VERY IMPORTANT: To Perform good deeds (= actions favoring the greater majority). It is by performing good deeds that you create positive karma for your future.
 Even Jesus pointed out that it is the good deeds that make you blessed (in the Gospel of Thomas and in "Sermon on the Mount").
 If you live in a society affected by negative karma that society created its negative karma by comitting harmful actions in the past on these four dynamics. Patriarchal cultures have created negative karma for all who are connected with them. 
 If you live in a city where a clan chief has taken control of a neighborhood, you may be affected by that clan's negative karma if you only stay in the area that the clan chief controls. This is an example of negative 3D karma that can affect you.
 If you live in a civilization that has created equal rights for women and men, you will benefit from the positive karma that the enlightened women and men of that civilization has created. That is an example of positive karma on the 4D.
 Perhaps the most difficult concept of understanding what karma is to understand what CAUSE really means. The very word cause means that which creates effect. From a non-materialistic point of view, cause originates from spiritual beings, who creates effect. For the materialists of science, all cause has to arise from what can be measured inside the physical universe (consisting of Matter, Energy, Space and Time).
 The law of Karma then becomes (from a spiritual perspective) the law of how spiritual beings create effect.
 If you follow different causal chains backwards, through all relay points in the physical universe, you eventually find spiritul beingenesses as cause.
 If you meditate on this, you have an opportunity to "get to know yourself (your true self)", but doing so on your own is not easy.
 We recommend that you try to find a well-trained meditor who can help you get past the mental barriers that lock you in a fixed mindset. Check: and use google translate

 On the road to increased self-awareness, you may find that you are actually much more CAUSE than you have dared to acknowledge.

NOTE! NOTE! NOTE! It is by performing harmful actions (whether deliberately or unconsciously) the individual worsens their ability to create (= be CAUSE). That's what makes the individual create NEGATIVE karma. Negative karma is the same as lost ability to be CAUSE. Every harmful act results in the individual withdrawing himself from that area. It is when the individual withdraws himselt from responsibility that causes him to suffer from negative karma. If the individual accepts full responsibility for his harmful acts he will not suffer from negative karma.
  As the individual is not just an egobeing (1D), the individual can accept responsibility not only for his 1D but also for the higher dynamics and thus avoid negative karma even on these higher dynamics of life (2D, 3D and 4D)


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