Saturday, January 28, 2023


About Expectation 

  The word expectation means to "look forward to" or "hope". Actually, it is an unfinished postulate (= observation, accompanied by decision, but not yet with a completed implementation). The philosophical fact that we are not isolated egos but live in communities with others makes expectation something much greater than waiting without cause. Expectation is active creation that hopefully will produce results!

  When experiments were carried out, where different teachers were told that a certain class was messy and difficult to learn/transfer knowledge to, the results of that class deteriorated noticeably, compared to when teachers were told, before they started teaching that same school class, that the class was exemplary and easy to learn .

  Since it was the same school classes, which teachers alternately received one or the other idea of what to expect, it proves that the teacher's expectations affected learning.

  There is something essential to learn from this. Any time someone expects bad or good results, it tends to become a self-fulfilling prophecy. It may not mean that expecting miracles will bring about miracles, regardless of the karmic situation you are in. But it does mean that the results improve or worsen depending on your expectations.

  It's not only your expectation that affects the results. Even the recipient's expectation results in improvements or deteriorations. If someone has completely unrealistic expectations, it will not lead to as good results as realistic expectations. If the recipient has low expectations, the result is guaranteed to be worse.

  The principle of the golden middle way means that the best results are achieved if both sender and receiver expect reasonably optimistic results (= slightly better than what is possible, but not unrealistically much better). Unrealistic expectations create disappointment.

  Only by the sender setting a good example do the receiver’s expectations increase in the right direction. The more devotedly optimistic the sender is, the more the receiver's expectations improve.

  Expectation is not passive beingness. It is active future creation and spiritual expansion. Expectation often creates miracles.

Positive Karma – Intention – Postulate

 This is about spiritual rewards (karma). That is self-evident. Of course, positive karma can also take the form of material gains. As a being accepts more responsibility for what happens in the environment and creates the time and space in which he can land his expectations, better positive karma appears.

  Whoever says Now I have done enough to be rewarded with positive karma, is in fact saying that he has not yet done enough (= created enough good karma).

 The material gains of approaching truth and enlightenment only become apparent when the true self takes control of human nature. This is what Socrates called mastery of self. When that happens, human nature can voluntarily choose to submit to the higher self, because human nature actually benefits from it.

  In Buddha Maitreya's Handbook for Humanity (book in Swedish) - ISBN 9789163072758 - it is pointed out that every time the human nature dies (= the true self takes over) Nirvana is attained.

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