Wednesday, August 23, 2023


Some jokes:

Joke 1:

 A young man fell in love with a neighbor girl in the village. After a while he took the girl with him and presented her to his parents.

 After he showed his infatuation, his father asked to speak with him in private. When they were alone, the father told him that he absolutely must not marry this neighbor girl, as she was actually his half-sister. His father was also the father (out of wedlock) of this girl next door.

 The son did as he was told and broke up with the girl next door.

 It didn't take long until the son found a new neighbor girl with whom he fell in love. When he then presented his new crush to his parents, the same thing was repeated. The father asked to speak to the son in private and informed the son that the son's new crush was also a half-sibling.

 The son did not like the situation, so he decided to talk to his mother and inform her about the situation.

 When the mother heard what the son had to say, she answered him: Don't worry about what "your father" says about this. He is not your father.


Joke 2

 An elderly couple lived a few centuries ago in a small village, which they basically never left.

 One day the old man went into town to see if he could buy anything new. When he found a mirror in the merchant's stall, he was delighted when he stood in front of the mirror. He thought that the person he saw in the mirror resembled his father. So he bought the mirror. He thought it might be a good fit to have the live portrait of his father in the hall at home in the farmhouse.

 On the way home to the farm, he remembered that his wife was not very fond of his father, so he decided to hang the newly bought mirror in the barn.

 Said and done. Now the mirror hung in its place in the barn. Every morning, when he entered the barn, the first thing he did was to look at the mirror portrait of his father.

 It wasn't long before his wife began to wonder what her husband was up to in the mornings. After all, he visited the barn every morning and always entered through the same door. Even Sundays. So she decided to check what was inside the barn door her husband entered every morning.

 When she opened the door and stepped in, she saw the mirror on the wall and stood in front of it. When she saw the old woman in the mirror, she thought: Yes, if it's that old hag he visits every morning, so be it!


Joke 3:

 Three men knocked at the entrance to hell.

 There stood the devil interrogating them about how many women they had slept with in order to decide which status symbol in the form of a transport vehicle they would be assigned i hell.

 When the first was asked: How many women have you slept with? he answered: only 2. First my first wife and then my second wife, after my first wife had passed away.

 The devil: It wasn't much to bring, but you get a pair of roller skates to get around in hell.

 When the secod guy was asked the same question, he replied: In my youth I fucked around a bit, but when I married my wife I stuck to her. So my answer will be about 12 different ones.

 The devil: It wasn't much to bring, but you get a bike to get around hell with.

 When the third was asked the same question, he replied: Because I was sometimes unfaithful and the women often fell for me, I have slept with over 40 women.

 Devil: That was a little better. You get a scooter to get around hell with.

 The three men decided to meet again in a week and tune out their first time in hell. - When they met, it turned out that the third man (with the scooter) was sad and started to cry. Then the other two asked him: Why are you crying? You have received the best status symbol - a scooter - much better than any of us.

 He then replied: When I was driving around with my scooter in hell, I ran into my wife and she was driving around in a Rolls Royce. 

Anf a joke on the jukraine/Rusia war:

A Russian wife turned to her husband and asked, "What's this special military operation our glorious leader keeps talking about?" Her husband replied, "It's a war to stop America and NATO." "Oh, right” she says “How's it going?"

“Well” he replied “so far we have lost over 20 generals, 100,000 troops killed, countless injured, 3000 tanks, 300 aircraft, hundreds of helicopters, countless armoured vehicles, artillery and trucks, our flagship along with other naval ships, our army is being defeated in most areas and we have had to resort to conscripting 500,000 Russians including murders and rapists to replace our losses”.

“Wow” replied the wife “what about America and NATO”?

“They haven’t turned up yet”


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Right-wing singer – successful on Spotify


Listen to the song with subtitles:

Oliver Anthony - Rich Men North of Richmond (Lyrics) - YouTube

Taking aim at politicians and their grantees, American factory worker and singer-songwriter Oliver Anthony, 31, has taken Spotify by storm with his song Rich Men North of Richmond. Now the successes are causing concern within the establishment, writes Rolling Stone.

 Reports say the song is about a poor worker who has been "let down by society". But from the original English-language text, it appears that the song is rather a jab at federal politicians who party with prostituted teenage girls, tax ordinary people and shower benefits on their favorite groups.

 Politicians are more interested in "minors on islands" than how American miners are doing, Anthony notes in his song, in an apparent reference to the many powerful people who have had fun with underage prostitutes on billionaire Jeffrey Epstein's island of Little Saint James in the West Indies.

 "My God, there are vagrants who have nothing to eat / while contributions are poured over the fat ones," reads another line.

 "If you're 160 centimeters tall and weigh 136 kilograms / taxes shouldn't line your bags of fudge rounds," the song goes on, apparently referring to a type of American fudge that is very popular especially among severely overweight African-American women.

 Armed with a resonator guitar and a powerful voice, the 31-year-old singles out "rich men north of Richmond" – federal politicians – as the root of the country's problems.

 Oliver Anthony, on the other hand, does not want to take a party political position. And he doesn't call himself a conservative.

 - I'm pretty damn in the middle when it comes to politics, he says in his own video that he uploaded the day before he released his now viral song.

 - I remember when I was a child and the conservatives wanted war, and I never understood it. And I remember a lot of weirdness when the left won the election, and you know, it really feels like both sides are serving the same boss.

 The reception in music magazines such as Rolling Stone has been largely positive, starved as they are for "authentic" music today. But within the mainstream media, the song arouses all the more concern, and is presented as directly problematic.

 AC Club reviewer Emma Keates, for her part, writes that while the song is not as "overtly threatening" as some other right-wing music, it is nevertheless based on "a series of insensitive stereotypes that creep into mainstream music in a problematic way".

 NBC News calls the newcomer "obscure" and notes at the same time that the song has quickly become the "new national anthem" of both the conservative right and the extreme right in the United States.

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Saturday, August 5, 2023


Life is meaningless – or is it?

I listened to an interview with Yuval Harari (the author of the book Sapiens) – Interesting!

  The interview can be found at the link:

Yuval Noah Harari Thinks Life Is Meaningless and Amazing | People I (Mostly) Admire | Episode 84 - YouTube

  The interview is almost an hour long. I recommend anyone who doesn't have time to listen to the entire interview to start 20 minutes into the program. Then it is good until 25 minutes in and thereafter from 28 minutes. At 51 minutes it becomes uninteresting.


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