Wednesday, March 10, 2021


Socrates: The important thing is not to live, but to live right. Self-knowledge is the key to virtuous living. That key can only be found in your immortal soul (your true self). That road is narrow, arduous, bumpy and steep. That is why so many choose to never enter it. They are simply discouraged. Their sluggish human minds, spiritual shortcomings and laziness hinder them.

 Comment: It is this dilemma that prevents the individual (the true self) from embarking on the path to self-knowledge, which Socrates recommended and considered to be the individual's only opportunity to approach the solution to the mystery of life.

Note: How this quote is very similar to the buddhist ideas on Samsara.

 Socrates (from "Apology" 30 a-b): The only thing I care about imprinting on you, young and old, is that you should not care about yourself as humans/individuals or your possessions. You should instead care about making your immortal souls (your true selves) as perfect as possible.

 I claim that virtue is not created by money, but that virtue creates money and everything else that is good for man, both for the individual and for the state.


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